PHP Manual


(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)

MongoCollection::updateUpdate records based on a given criteria


public bool|array MongoCollection::update ( array $criteria , array $new_object [, array $options = array() ] )

Elenco dei parametri


Query criteria for the documents to update.


The object used to update the matched documents. This may either contain update operators (for modifying specific fields) or be a replacement document.


An array of options for the update operation. Currently available options include:

  • "upsert"

    If no document matches $criteria, a new document will be inserted.

    If a new document would be inserted and $new_object contains atomic modifiers (i.e. $ operators), those operations will be applied to the $criteria parameter to create the new document. If $new_object does not contain atomic modifiers, it will be used as-is for the inserted document. See the upsert examples below for more information.

  • "multiple"

    All documents matching $criteria will be updated. MongoCollection::update() has exactly the opposite behavior of MongoCollection::remove(): it updates one document by default, not all matching documents. It is recommended that you always specify whether you want to update multiple documents or a single document, as the database may change its default behavior at some point in the future.

  • "fsync"

    Boolean, defaults to FALSE. If journaling is enabled, it works exactly like "j". If journaling is not enabled, the write operation blocks until it is synced to database files on disk. If TRUE, an acknowledged insert is implied and this option will override setting "w" to 0.

    Nota: If journaling is enabled, users are strongly encouraged to use the "j" option instead of "fsync". Do not use "fsync" and "j" simultaneously, as that will result in an error.

  • "j"

    Boolean, defaults to FALSE. Forces the write operation to block until it is synced to the journal on disk. If TRUE, an acknowledged write is implied and this option will override setting "w" to 0.

    Nota: If this option is used and journaling is disabled, MongoDB 2.6+ will raise an error and the write will fail; older server versions will simply ignore the option.

  • "socketTimeoutMS"

    Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If acknowledged writes are used, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException will be thrown.

  • "w"

    See Write Concerns. The default value for MongoClient is 1.

  • "wTimeoutMS"

    How long to wait for write concern acknowledgement. The default value for MongoClient is 10000 milliseconds.

The following options are deprecated and should no longer be used:

  • "safe"

    Deprecated. Please use the write concern "w" option.

  • "timeout"

    Deprecated alias for "socketTimeoutMS".

  • "wtimeout"

    Deprecated alias for "wTimeoutMS".

Valori restituiti

Returns an array containing the status of the update if the "w" option is set. Otherwise, returns TRUE.

Fields in the status array are described in the documentation for MongoCollection::insert().


Throws MongoCursorException if the "w" option is set and the write fails.

Throws MongoCursorTimeoutException if the "w" option is set to a value greater than one and the operation takes longer than MongoCursor::$timeout milliseconds to complete. This does not kill the operation on the server, it is a client-side timeout. The operation in MongoCollection::$wtimeout is milliseconds.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione

Added the "wTimeoutMS" option, which replaces "wtimeout". Emits E_DEPRECATED when "wtimeout" is used.

Added the "socketTimeoutMS" option, which replaces "timeout". Emits E_DEPRECATED when "timeout" is used.

Emits E_DEPRECATED when "safe" is used.

1.3.4 Added "wtimeout" option.

Added "w" option.

The options parameter no longer accepts a boolean to signify an upsert. Instead, this now has to be done with array('upsert' => true).

1.2.11 Emits E_DEPRECATED when options is scalar.
1.2.0 Added "timeout" option.
1.0.11 Disconnects on "not master" errors if "safe" is set.

Added ability to pass integers to the "safe" option, which previously only accepted booleans.

Added "fsync" option.

The return type was changed to be an array containing error information if the "safe" option is used. Otherwise, a boolean is returned as before.

1.0.5 Added "safe" option.
1.0.1 Changed options parameter from boolean to array. Pre-1.0.1, the second parameter was an optional boolean value specifying an upsert.


Example #1 MongoCollection::update()

Adding an address field to a document.


->insert(array("firstname" => "Bob""lastname" => "Jones" ));
$newdata = array('$set' => array("address" => "1 Smith Lane"));
$c->update(array("firstname" => "Bob"), $newdata);

var_dump($c->findOne(array("firstname" => "Bob")));


Il precedente esempio visualizzerĂ  qualcosa simile a:

array(4) {
  object(MongoId)#6 (0) {
  string(3) "Bob"
  string(5) "Jones"
  string(12) "1 Smith Lane"

Example #2 MongoCollection::update() upsert examples

Upserts can simplify code, as a single line can create the document if it does not exist (based on $criteria), or update an existing document if it matches.

In the following example, $new_object contains an atomic modifier. Since the collection is empty and upsert must insert a new document, it will apply those operations to the $criteria parameter in order to create the document.


"uri" => "/summer_pics"),
'$inc' => array("page hits" => 1)),
"upsert" => true)


Il precedente esempio visualizzerĂ  qualcosa simile a:

array(3) {
  object(MongoId)#9 (0) {
  string(12) "/summer_pics"
  ["page hits"]=>

If $new_object does not contain atomic modifiers (i.e. $ operators), upsert will use $new_object as-is for the new document. This matches the behavior of a normal update, where not using atomic modifiers causes the document to be overwritten.


"name" => "joe"),
"username" => "joe312""createdAt" => new MongoDate()), 
"upsert" => true)


Il precedente esempio visualizzerĂ  qualcosa simile a:

array(3) {
  object(MongoId)#10 (0) {
  string(6) "joe312"
  object(MongoDate)#4 (0) {

Example #3 MongoCollection::update() multiple example

By default, MongoCollection::update() will only update the first document matching $criteria that it finds. Using the "multiple" option can override this behavior, if needed.

This example adds a "gift" field to every person whose birthday is in the next day.


= array('$gt' => new MongoDate(), '$lt' => new MongoDate(strtotime("+1 day")));
"birthday" => $today),
'$set' => array('gift' => $surprise)),
"multiple" => true)


Vedere anche:

The PHP documentation on updates and the » MongoDB core docs.

PHP Manual