PHP Manual

The Mongo class [deprecated]

(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)


A connection between PHP and MongoDB.

This class extends MongoClient and provides access to several deprecated methods.

For backwards compatibility, it also defaults the "w" option of its constructor argument to 0, which does not require write operations to be acknowledged by the server. See MongoClient::__construct() for more information.


This class has been DEPRECATED as of version 1.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged. Please use MongoClient instead.

Sinopsisul clasei

Mongo extends MongoClient {
/* Metode */
protected bool connectUtil ( void )
public static int getPoolSize ( void )
public string getSlave ( void )
public bool getSlaveOkay ( void )
public array poolDebug ( void )
public static bool setPoolSize ( int $size )
public bool setSlaveOkay ([ bool $ok = true ] )
public string switchSlave ( void )
/* Metode moștenite */
public bool MongoClient::close ([ boolean|string $connection ] )
public bool MongoClient::connect ( void )
public array MongoClient::dropDB ( mixed $db )
public MongoDB MongoClient::__get ( string $dbname )
public static array MongoClient::getConnections ( void )
public array MongoClient::getHosts ( void )
public array MongoClient::getReadPreference ( void )
public array MongoClient::getWriteConcern ( void )
public bool MongoClient::killCursor ( string $server_hash , int|MongoInt64 $id )
public array MongoClient::listDBs ( void )
public MongoCollection MongoClient::selectCollection ( string $db , string $collection )
public MongoDB MongoClient::selectDB ( string $name )
public bool MongoClient::setReadPreference ( string $read_preference [, array $tags ] )
public bool MongoClient::setWriteConcern ( mixed $w [, int $wtimeout ] )
public string MongoClient::__toString ( void )


PHP Manual