Funcții GD și Image
PHP Manual


(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0)

imagesetinterpolationSet the interpolation method


bool imagesetinterpolation ( resource $image [, int $method = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED ] )

Sets the interpolation method, setting an interpolation method affects the rendering of various functions in GD, such as the imagerotate() function.



O resursă - imagine, întoarsă de una din funcțiile de creare a imaginilor, cum ar fi imagecreatetruecolor().


The interpolation method, which can be one of the following:

  • IMG_BELL: Bell filter.
  • IMG_BESSEL: Bessel filter.
  • IMG_BICUBIC: Bicubic interpolation.
  • IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED: Fixed point implementation of the bicubic interpolation.
  • IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED: Fixed point implementation of the bilinear interpolation (default (also on image creation)).
  • IMG_BLACKMAN: Blackman window function.
  • IMG_BOX: Box blur filter.
  • IMG_BSPLINE: Spline interpolation.
  • IMG_CATMULLROM: Cubic Hermite spline interpolation.
  • IMG_GAUSSIAN: Gaussian function.
  • IMG_GENERALIZED_CUBIC: Generalized cubic spline fractal interpolation.
  • IMG_HERMITE: Hermite interpolation.
  • IMG_HAMMING: Hamming filter.
  • IMG_HANNING: Hanning filter.
  • IMG_MITCHELL: Mitchell filter.
  • IMG_POWER: Power interpolation.
  • IMG_QUADRATIC: Inverse quadratic interpolation.
  • IMG_SINC: Sinc function.
  • IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR: Nearest neighbour interpolation.
  • IMG_WEIGHTED4: Weighting filter.
  • IMG_TRIANGLE: Triangle interpolation.

Valorile întoarse

Întoarce valoarea TRUE în cazul succesului sau FALSE în cazul eșecului.


Example #1 imagesetinterpolation() example

// Load an image
$im imagecreate(500500);

// By default interpolation is IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED, switch 
// to use the 'Mitchell' filter:

// Continue to work with $im ...


Changing the interpolation method affects the following functions when rendering:

Funcții GD și Image
PHP Manual