(PHP 5.3.2, PECL OCI8 >= 1.4.0)
oci_set_client_identifier — Sets the client identifier
, string $client_identifier
)Sets the client identifier used by various database components to identify lightweight application users who authenticate as the same database user.
The client identifier is registered with the database when the next 'roundtrip' from PHP to the database occurs, typically when an SQL statement is executed.
The identifier can subsequently be queried, for example with SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') FROM DUAL. Database administration views such as V$SESSION will also contain the value. It can be used with DBMS_MONITOR.CLIENT_ID_TRACE_ENABLE for tracing and can also be used for auditing.
The value may be retained across page requests that use the same persistent connection.
Un identificator al conexiunii Oracle, întors de oci_connect(), oci_pconnect() sau oci_new_connect().
User chosen string up to 64 bytes long.
Întoarce valoarea TRUE
în cazul
succesului sau FALSE
în cazul eșecului.
Example #1 Setting the client identifier to the application user
// Find the application user's login name
$un = my_validate_session($_SESSION['username']);
$c = oci_connect('myschema', 'welcome', 'localhost/XE');
// Tell Oracle who that user is
oci_set_client_identifier($c, $un);
// The next roundtrip to the database will piggyback the identifier
$s = oci_parse($c, 'select mydata from mytable');
// ...
Unele funcții OCI8, dar nu toate, cauzează căi dus-întors. Căile dus-întors către baza de date pot să nu aibă loc în cazul interpelărilor, atunci când buferizarea rezultatelor este activată.