CUBRID Функции
PHP Manual


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)

cubrid_insert_idReturn the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column


string cubrid_insert_id ([ resource $conn_identifier ] )

The cubrid_insert_id() function retrieves the ID generated for the AUTO_INCREMENT column which is updated by the previous INSERT query. It returns 0 if the previous query does not generate new rows, or FALSE on failure.


CUBRID supports AUTO_INCREMENT for more than one columns in a table. In most cases, there will be a single AUTO_INCREMENT column in a table. If there are multiple AUTO_INCREMENT columns, this function should not be used even if it will return a value.

Список параметров


The connection identifier previously obtained by a call to cubrid_connect().

Возвращаемые значения

A string representing the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query, on success.

0, if the previous query does not generate new rows.

FALSE on failure.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.4.0 Change the return value from an array to string; Remove the first parameter class_name.


Пример #1 cubrid_insert_id() example


cubrid_execute($conn"DROP TABLE cubrid_test");
cubrid_execute($conn"CREATE TABLE cubrid_test (d int AUTO_INCREMENT(1, 2), t varchar)");

for (
$i 0$i 10$i++) {
cubrid_execute($conn"INSERT INTO cubrid_test(t) VALUES('cubrid_test')");

$id cubrid_insert_id();


Результат выполнения данного примера:

string(2) "19"

CUBRID Функции
PHP Manual