Hyperwave İşlevleri
PHP Manual


(PHP 4)

hw_GetObjectObject record


mixed hw_getobject ( int $connection , mixed $objectID [, string $query ] )

Gets an object record. If the second parameter is an array of integer the function will



The connection identifier.


The object identifier, or an array of identifiers.


The query string has the following syntax:

<expr> ::= "(" <expr> ")" |
           "!" &lt;expr> |          /* NOT */
           <expr> "||" <expr> |  /* OR */
           <expr> "&amp;&amp;" <expr> |  /* AND */
           <attribute> <operator> <value>

<attribute> ::= /* any attribute name (Title, Author, DocumentType ...) */

<operator> ::= "=" |    /* equal */
               "<" |    /* less than (string compare) */
               ">" |    /* greater than (string compare) */
               "~"      /* regular expression matching */
The query allows to further select certain objects from the list of given objects. Unlike the other query functions, this query may use not indexed attributes. How many object records are returned depends on the query and if access to the object is allowed.

Dönen Değerler

Returns the object record for the given object ID if the second parameter is an integer.

If the second parameter is an array of integer the function will return an array of object records. In such a case the last parameter is also evaluated which is a query string.

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Hyperwave İşlevleri
PHP Manual