PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

SWFShape::setLineSets the shape's line style


void SWFShape::setLine ( SWFShape $shape )
void setLine ( int $width , int $red , int $green , int $blue [, int $a ] )

Bu işlev DENEYSELDİR. Bu işlevin davranışı, ismi ve belgeleri PHP'nin sonraki sürümlerinde hiçbir duyuru yapılmaksızın değiştirilebilir. Bu riski göze alamayacaksanız bu işlevi kullanmayın.

swfshape::setline() sets the shape's line style. width is the line's width. If width is 0, the line's style is removed (then, all other arguments are ignored). If width > 0, then line's color is set to red, green, blue. Last parameter a is optional.

You must declare all line styles before you use them (see example).

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This simple example will draw a big "!#%*@", in funny colors and gracious style.

Örnek 1 swfshape::setline() example

= new SWFShape();
$f1 $s->addFill(0xff00);
$f2 $s->addFill(0xff0x7f0);
$f3 $s->addFill(0xff0xff0);
$f4 $s->addFill(00xff0);
$f5 $s->addFill(000xff);

// bug: have to declare all line styles before you use them

$f = new SWFFont('Techno.fdb');

$s->movePen($f->getWidth('!'), 0);

$s->movePen($f->getWidth('#'), 0);

$s->movePen($f->getWidth('%'), 0);

$s->movePen($f->getWidth('*'), 0);


$m = new SWFMovie();
$i $m->add($s);

header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');

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PHP Manual