
DB_common::execute() -- Executes a prepared SQL statment


mixed &execute (resource $stmt [, mixed $data = array()])


Merges the SQL statment you submitted to prepare() with the information in $data and then sends the query to the database.


resource $stmt

query handle from prepare()

mixed $data

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

Return value

mixed - a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure


Table 33-1. Possible PEAR_Error values

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
DB_ERROR_INVALID invalid SQL statment handle is not valid. Check correct processing of the SQL statment with prepare(). Note that execute() requires a handle to the statement returned by prepare(), not the statment itself.
DB_ERROR_MISMATCH mismatch Quantity of parameters didn't match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statment. Check that the number of placeholders in the prepare() statement passed to $query equals the count of entries passed to $params.
DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED no database selected No database was choosen. Check the DSN in connect().
every other error code  Database specific error Check the database related section of PHP-Manual to detect the reason for this error. In the most cases a misformed SQL statment. Ie. using LIMIT in a SQL-Statment for an Oracle database.


This function can not be called statically.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.



"Intro - Prepare & Execute", "Intro - autoPrepare & autoExecute", prepare(), executeMultiple()