The DB_result object provides two methods for fetching data from rows of a result set: fetchRow() and fetchInto().
fetchRow() returns the row's data. fetchInto() assigns the row's data to a variable you provide and returns DB_OK.
The result pointer gets moved to the next row each time these methods are called. NULL is returned when the end of the result set is reached.
DB_Error is returned if an error is encountered.
Example 33-1. Fetching a result set
The data from the row of a query result can be placed into one of three constructs: an ordered array (with column numbers as keys), an associative array (with column names as keys) or an object (with column names as properties).
Array ( [0] => 28 [1] => hi ) |
Array ( [a] => 28 [b] => hi ) |
stdClass Object ( [a] => 28 [b] => hi ) |
NOTE: When a query contains the same column name more than once (such as when joining tables which have duplicate column names) and the fetch mode is DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC or DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, the data from the last column with a given name will be the one returned. There are two immediate options to work around this issue:
Use aliases in your query, for example People.Name AS PersonName |
Change the fetch mode to DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED |
TIP: If you are running into this issue, it likely indicates poor planning of the database schema. Either data is needlessly being duplicated or the same names are being used for different kinds of data.
You can set the fetch mode each time you call a fetch method and/or you can set the default fetch mode for the whole DB instance by using the setFetchMode() method.
Example 33-2. Determining fetch mode per call
Example 33-3. Changing default fetch mode
The PEAR DB fetch system also supports an extra parameter to the fetch statement. So you can fetch rows from a result by number. This is especially helpful if you only want to show sets of an entire result (for example in building paginated HTML lists), fetch rows in an special order, etc.
Example 33-4. Fetching by number
The DB_common object provides several methods that make data retrieval easy by combining the processes of running of the query string you provide, putting the returned information into a PHP data structure and freeing the results. These methods include getOne(), getRow(), getCol(), getAssoc() and getAll().
Once you finish using a result set, if your script continues for a while, it's a good idea to save memory by freeing the result set via Use free().
Example 33-5. Freeing
With DB there are four ways to retrieve useful information about the query result sets themselves:
Example 33-6. numRows() tells how many rows are in a SELECT query result
Example 33-7. numCols() tells how many columns are in a SELECT query result
Example 33-8. affectedRows() tells how many rows were altered by a data change query (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE)
Example 33-9. tableInfo() returns an associative array with information about the columns in a SELECT query result