Cache_Lite_Output::start() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else,
the output buffering is activated.
Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else,
the output buffering is activated.
- string
name of the cache group
- boolean
if set to TRUE, the cache validity won't be tested
Return value
returns true if the cache is hit (false else)
This function can not be called
Example 30-1. classical using <?php
require_once "Cache/Lite/Output.php";
$options = array(
'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
'lifeTime' => 7200,
'pearErrorMode' => CACHE_LITE_ERROR_DIE
$cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);
if (!($cache->start('id_of_the_page'))) {
// Cache not hit !
// All the output is bufferised until the end() method
// (...)
?> |