
Archive_Tar::extractList() -- extract a list files


require_once 'Archive/Tar.php';

boolean extractList (array $filelist [, string $path = '' [, string $remove_path = '']])


This method extracts only the files from the archive that are indicated in the $filelist. These files are extracted in the current directory or in the directory indicated by the optional $path parameter.


Return value

boolean - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Table 38-1. Possible PEAR_Error values

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
NULL " Unable to open in read mode archive " The file is exclusively locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This can not be caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Unable to open in write mode archive " The file is locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This maybe caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Invalid extractlist mode mode " Implementation error Should not occur, please set up a bug report.
NULL " Directory name already exists as a file " A file is marked up as directory in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists as a directory " A directoy is marked up as file in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists and is write protected. " The archive contains a file which already exists in the destination dir and can not be overwritten. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
NULL " Unable to create path for name " One or more new nested directories could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory and all nested directories have the required permissions.
NULL " Unable to create directory name " A directory could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory has the required permissions.
NULL " Error while opening name in write binary mode " The file could not be created. The file is maybe locked.
NULL " Extracted file filename does not have the correct file size filesize (size expected). Archive may be corrupted. " Read the message. Read the message.


This function can not be called statically.
