Introduction -- HowTo s'n'r in files
With SearchReplace, you can replace
a text in as many as desired files by another.
Example 38-1. Typical usage <?php
include 'File/SearchReplace.php' ;
$files = array( "test1.txt",
"test3.txt" ) ;
$ignoreline = array( "#", ":") ;
$snr = new File_SearchReplace( "Yes", "No", $files, "/mail/", false,
$ignoreline) ;
$snr -> doSearch() ;
?> |
The example replaces all occurences of "Yes" with
"No" in the given $files and in all files in the
directory "/mail/". If a line in a file starts
with one of the chars in $ignoreline, possible
matches will be ignored.
You can do a new search without creating a new instance of the class.
Example 38-2. Do a new search ...
// string to search
$snr -> setFind( "Er") ;
// string to find
$snr -> setReplace( "Sie") ;
// look in this files
$snr -> setFiles( $files) ;
// look in this directories
$snr -> setDirectories( array( "/neue_briefe/")) ;
// look in the subdirectories too
$snr -> setIncludeSubdir( true) ;
// ignore lines in the files starting with this chars
$snr -> setIgnoreLines( array( "::", "#")) ;
// restart search'n'replace
$snr -> doSearch() ; |
Types of search functions
File_SearchReplace supports different
kinds of search functions. The type directly influence the format
of the required $find-parameter
normal - default, the
only type supporting the
- use str_replace()
- use preg_replace()
- use ereg_replace()
To set the type, call
setSearchFunction() before