File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccountEncrypted() -- Verifies the given account with the given encrypted passwords.
This method verifies the given username and passwords against the entry in the loaded
smbpasswd file. The given passwords must already be a valid NT-Hash or LM-Hash, whereas the
LM-Hash is optional.
string $user - username to be verified
string $nthash - the NT-Hash
string $lmhash - the LM-Hash
Return value
mixed - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
Example 38-1. Using File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccount() <?php
require_once 'File/SMBPasswd.php';
$fh = new File_SMBPasswd('/usr/local/private/smbpasswd');
if ($fh->verifyAccountEncrypted('mbretter', '75BA30198E6D1975AAD3B435B51404EE')) {
echo "Account is valid";
} else {
echo "Account is in-valid";
?> |