Creating a form in "table mode" means that the package returns the complete form in a fixed width table. Whilst this does not work very well for most frontend websites, it is a very convenient way to create forms during development phase or for backend systems where the design does not matter (much).
Example 41-1. Creating a form
This will display a table where the left column holds the labels of the different fields. In the right column the different fields are placed.
Apart from retrieving the table as a whole, one can also use the API of HTML_Form to directly display single form tags.
Example 41-2. Directly displaying form tags
The above example will print the HTML markup being necessary to render a text input field. It will not print the surrounding <form /> tag or something else!
Similar to displaying form tags with the display*() functions HTML_Form can also return the tag instead of printing it.
Example 41-3. Returning form tags
The variable $str now contains HTML markup like <input type="password" name="password" />.