

addBlockfile() -- Adds a block contained in the file to the template


require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

mixed HTML_Template_Sigma::addBlockfile (string $placeholder, string $block, string $filename)


Adds a block taken from a file to the template, changing a variable placeholder to a block placeholder.


string $placeholder

name of the variable placeholder

string $block

name of the block to be added

string $filename

template file that contains the block

Return value

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


see HTML_Template_Sigma::addBlock()


Table 41-1. Possible PEAR_Error values

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
SIGMA_BLOCK_EXISTSBlock '$block' already existsTried to add a block with a name that is already present in the templateChoose a different name for a new block
SIGMA_PLACEHOLDER_NOT_FOUNDVariable placeholder '$placeholder' not foundThere is no placeholder to replace by a new block in the templateCheck the spelling of the placeholder name
SIGMA_PLACEHOLDER_DUPLICATEPlaceholder '$placeholder' should be unique, found in multiple blocksA placeholder to be replaced by a new block should appear only in one placeCheck the spelling of the placeholder name, choose a different placeholder
SIGMA_TPL_NOT_FOUNDCannot read the template file '$filename'File is unreadable for some reasonCheck if the file exists and has correct permissions set
SIGMA_CACHE_ERRORCannot save template file 'filename'A prepared template file cannot be savedCheck if the directory for prepared templates cache exists and is writeable for your script
SIGMA_BLOCK_DUPLICATEThe name of a block must be unique within a template. Block 'blockname' found twice.The added file contains a block that has the same name as the existing oneCheck the file and rename the block to something else
SIGMA_CALLBACK_SYNTAX_ERROR Cannot parse template function: (error description) Bogus syntax for template function parameters. Fix the template function definition, pay special attention to quoting rules.


This function can not be called statically.