
Table of Contents
Class Summary Translation2 -- Translation2 class
Introduction -- Usage of Translation2
Admin Introduction -- Usage of Translation2_Admin
Containers Overview -- Overview of the different Translation2 containers
constructor Translation2::Translation2() -- Constructor
Translation2::factory() -- Return an instanciated Translation2 object
Translation2::get() -- Get translated string
Translation2::getDecorator() -- Return an instance of a decorator
Translation2::getLang() -- get lang info
Translation2::getLangs() -- get langs
Translation2::getPage() -- Get an entire group of strings
Translation2::getRaw() -- Get translated string (as-is)
Translation2::getRawPage() -- Get the array of strings in a page
Translation2::getStringID() -- Get the stringID for a given string
Translation2::setLang() -- Set default lang
Translation2::setPageID() -- Set default page
Translation2::setParams() -- Set parameters for next string
Class Summary Translation2_Admin -- Administration utilities for translation string management
Translation2_Admin::addLang() -- Prepare the storage container for a new lang.
Translation2_Admin::updateLang() -- Update the language details.
Translation2_Admin::removeLang() -- Remove the language from the langsAvail table and drop the strings table.
Translation2_Admin::add() -- add a new translation
Translation2_Admin::remove() -- remove a translated string
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator -- Decorates a Translation2 class.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction -- Decorator to cache fetched data using Cache_Lite_Function class
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheMemory -- Decorator to cache fetched data in memory
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_DefaultText -- Decorator to provide a fallback text for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_ErrorText -- Decorator to provide a fallback error_text message for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang -- Decorator to provide a fallback language for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Iconv -- Decorator to switch from/to different encodings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_SpecialChars -- Decorator to replace special chars with the matching html entities.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_UTF8 -- Decorator to convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1
Package Translation2 Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Translation2