
Table of Contents
Net_IPv4::atoh() -- Converts a dot-quad formatted IP address into a hexadecimal string
Net_IPv4::htoa() -- Converts a hexadecimal string into a dot-quad formatted IP address
Net_IPv4::ip2double() -- Converts an IP address to a PHP double.
Net_IPv4::validateIP() -- Validate the syntax of the given IP adress.
Net_IPv4::validateNetmask() -- Validate the syntax of the given netmask.
Net_IPv4::parseAddress() -- Parse a CIDR address (address/netmask combination).
Net_IPv4::calculate() -- Calculates network information based on an IP address and netmask.
Net_IPv4::ipInNetwork() --  Determines whether or not the supplied IP is within the supplied network.

Provides several methods for working with IP addresses and netmasks.