
Table of Contents
Introduction to PEAR_PackageUpdate --  A package to make adding self updating functionality to other packages or applications easy.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::factory --  Factory method for createing PEAR_PackageUpdate frontend instances.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::isIncludable --  Determines whether or not a file is includable.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::loadPreferences --  Loads the user's preferences from the preference file.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::determinePrefFile --  Returns the path to the preferences file.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::checkUpdate --  Checks to see if an update is available and the user has not asked not to be notified about the update.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::getPackageInfo --  Loads the latest package information from the channel server.
PEAR_PackageUpdate::getPackagePreferences --  Returns the update preferences for the current package.