
Introduction --  Introduction to Structures_BibTex


This package provides methods to access information stored in a BibTex file. During parsing it is possible to let the data be validated. In addition. the creation of BibTex Strings as well as RTF Strings is also supported.

A few examples

Stored Data

The data is stored in the class variable data. This is a a list where each entry is a hash table representing one bibtex-entry. The keys of the hash table correspond to the keys used in bibtex and the values are the corresponding values. Some of these keys are:


As described before the authors are stored in a list. Every entry representing one author as a has table. The hash table consits of four keys: first, von, last and jr. The keys are explained in the following list:

Adding an entry

To add an entry simply create a hash table with the needed keys and values and call the method addEntry().