
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV -- Comma Seperated Value (CSV) Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for a CSV File. It will also support any other delimiter.


This driver accepts the following options:

Table 55-1. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
delimiterstringField delimiter','
fieldsarrayWhich data fields to fetch from the datasource. An empty array means: all fields. Form: array(field1, field2, ...)array()
generate_columnsboolGenerate Structures_DataGrid_Column objects with labels. See the 'labels' option.false
headerboolWhether the CSV file (or string) contains a header rowfalse
labelsarrayData field to column label mapping. Only used when 'generate_columns' is true. Form: array(field => label, ...)array()