This driver accepts the following options:
Table 55-1. Options for this driver
Option | Type | Description | Default Value |
buildFooter | bool | Whether to build the footer. | true |
buildHeader | bool | Whether to build the header. | true |
columnAttributes | array | Column cells attributes. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => array(attribute => value, ...) ...) | array() |
convertEntities | bool | Whether or not to convert html entities. This calls htmlspecialchars(). | true |
defaultCellValue | string | What value to put by default into empty cells. | null |
defaultColumnValues | array | Per-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...). | array() |
encoding | string | The content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1. | |
excludeVars | array | Variables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries. | array() |
extraVars | array | Variables to be added to the generated HTTP queries. | array() |
fillWithEmptyRows | bool | Ensures that all pages have the same number of rows. | false |
hideColumnLinks | array | By default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting. | array() |
numberAlign | bool | Whether to right-align numeric values. | true |
selfPath | string | The complete path for sorting and paging links. | $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] |
sortingResetsPaging | bool | Whether sorting HTTP queries reset paging. | true |
This driver does not support the render() method, it only is able to "fill" a Smarty object, by calling Smarty::assign() and Smarty::register_function().
It's up to you to called Smarty::display() after the Smarty object has been filled.
This driver assigns the following Smarty variables: - $columnSet: array of columns specifications structure: array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => field name, 'label' => column label, 'link' => sorting link, 'attributes' => attributes string, ), ... ) - $recordSet: array of records values - $currentPage: current page (starting from 1) - $recordLimit: number of rows per page - $pagesNum: number of pages - $columnsNum: number of columns - $recordsNum: number of records in the current page - $totalRecordsNum: total number of records - $firstRecord: first record number (starting from 1) - $lastRecord: last record number (starting from 1) - $currentSort: array with column names and the directions used for sorting
This driver also registers a Smarty custom function named getPaging that can be called from Smarty templates with {getPaging} in order to print paging links. This function accepts any of the Pager::factory() options as parameters.
Template example, featuring sorting and paging:
<!-- Show paging links using the custom getPaging function --> {getPaging prevImg="<<" nextImg=">>" separator=" | " delta="5"} <p>Showing records {$firstRecord} to {$lastRecord} from {$totalRecordsNum}, page {$currentPage} of {$pagesNum}</p> <table cellspacing="0"> <!-- Build header --> <tr> {section name=col loop=$columnSet} <th {$columnSet[col].attributes}> <!-- Check if the column is sortable --> {if $columnSet[col].link != ""} <a href="{$columnSet[col].link}">{$columnSet[col].label}</a> {else} {$columnSet[col].label} {/if} </th> {/section} </tr> <!-- Build body --> {section name=row loop=$recordSet} <tr {if $smarty.section.row.iteration is even}bgcolor="#EEEEEE"{/if}> {section name=col loop=$recordSet[row]} <td {$columnSet[col].attributes}>{$recordSet[row][col]}</td> {/section} </tr> {/section} </table> |