
Extension – How to extend PHP_UML?


As we said in the Command Line section, PHP_UML converts programming data from one format to another format. Between the two, it builds a UML model.

At the current moment, PHP_UML can read XMI and PHP, and can generate XMI, PHP and HTML.

If you want to write your own input format, you can program your own implementation of PHP_UML_Input_ImporterFileScanner.

If you want to write your own output format, you can program your own implementation of PHP_UML_Output_Exporter (either by traversing the model, like the "HtmlNew" implementation does, either by XSLT applied on XMI, like the implementation "Html" does).

For a better understanding of the program's guts, see its class diagram, available in the docs folder (PHP_UML_simplified_class_diagram.png).

If you are interested by the PHP_UML project, and want to participate, do not hesitate to contact me.