Basic usage

After including the base Services_Libravatar file, create an object of the class. You may set default options for image size, default url, HTTPS mode and hashing algorithm.

After you created the Services_Libravatar instance, call Services_Libravatar::getUrl() on it with the email as parameter.

Creating a libravatar instance

require_once 'Services/Libravatar.php';
$sla = new Services_Libravatar();

$url $sla->getUrl('[email protected]');

Instead of manually deciding if you need HTTPS or not, Services_Libravatar will detect that automatically when calling detectHttps().

If you temporarily need different options for one image, you may pass them as option array as second parameter to getUrl(). They will override the class options that were configured via the set*() methods, but only for the current getUrl() call:

Using temporary options

require_once 'Services/Libravatar.php';
$sla = new Services_Libravatar();

$url1Big   $sla->getUrl('[email protected]');//size 256
$url1Small $sla->getUrl(
'[email protected]',
'size' => 32'default' => '404')

//size 256 again
$url2Big $sla->getUrl('[email protected]');