PHP Manual


From the CUBRID homepage (» CUBRID), download the PHP module.

Installing PHP for Windows

Create a directory named CUBRID in the directory where PHP is installed, and then copy the cubrid_err.msg file and the .dll file of the cubrid_php version you just downloaded. If you download CUBRID PHP version 5.1.4, add required settings as shown in the example below by editing the php.ini file.


Once the configuration is complete, restart the web server. If you can see the CUBRID information as shown below when you check the PHP configuration using the phpinfo() function of PHP, it means that the installation was successful.

Installing PHP for Linux

Unlike Windows, Linux provides its source code. Download the source code from the CUBRID homepage (» CUBRID), and install it by following the INSTALL file of the compressed file. Also in the Linux version, edit and save the php.ini file, and then restart the web server.

        ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
        extension_dir = /usr/lib/php5/lib/php/ext
        ;for Windows, extension=cubrid.dll

Check the configuration using phpinfo() function.

        [root@localhost]#vi test.php

As with the Windows version of PHP, if you can see the CUBRID information on the web browser, it means that the installation was successful.

PHP Manual