Multibyte String Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

mb_ereg_replaceReplace regular expression with multibyte support


string mb_ereg_replace ( string $pattern , string $replacement , string $string [, string $option = "msr" ] )

Scans string for matches to pattern, then replaces the matched text with replacement



The regular expression pattern.

Multibyte characters may be used in pattern.


The replacement text.


The string being checked.

Matching condition can be set by option parameter. If i is specified for this parameter, the case will be ignored. If x is specified, white space will be ignored. If m is specified, match will be executed in multiline mode and line break will be included in '.'. If p is specified, match will be executed in POSIX mode, line break will be considered as normal character. If e is specified, replacement string will be evaluated as PHP expression.

Return Values

The resultant string on success, or FALSE on error.


Note: The internal encoding or the character encoding specified by mb_regex_encoding() will be used as the character encoding for this function.


Never use the e modifier when working on untrusted input. No automatic escaping will happen (as known from preg_replace()). Not taking care of this will most likely create remote code execution vulnerabilities in your application.

See Also

Multibyte String Functions
PHP Manual