(PECL amqp >= Unknown)
AMQPExchange::delete — Delete the exchange from the broker.
Delete and exchange from the broker.
This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.
The name of the exchange to delete. If the AMQPExchange object is already bound to an existing exchange and then exchange_name is not specified, the exchange bound to the AMQPExchange object will be deleted.
Optionally AMQP_IFUNUSED can be specified to indicate the exchange should not be deleted until no clients are connected to it.
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 AMQPExchange::delete() example
/* Create a new connection */
$cnn = new AMQPConnection();
/* Create a new exchange */
$ex = new AMQPExchange($cnn);
$ex->declare('new_topic_exchange', AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT, AMQP_DURABLE | AMQP_AUTODELETE);
/* Delete the previous exchange */
$ex2 = new AMQPExchange($cnn);