PHP Manual

The AMQPQueue class


Represents an AMQP queue.

Class synopsis

AMQPQueue {
/* Methods */
public bool ack ( int $delivery_tag [, int $flags = NULL ] )
public bool bind ( string $exchange_name , string $routing_key )
public bool cancel ([ string $consumer_tag = "" ] )
__construct ( AMQPConnection $amqp_connection [, string $queue_name = "" ] )
public array consume ([ array $options = array() ] )
public int declare ([ string $queue_name = "" [, int $flags = AMQP_AUTODELETE ]] )
public bool delete ( string $queue_name )
public array get ([ int $flags = AMQP_NOACK ] )
public bool purge ( string $queue_name )
public bool unbind ( string $exchange_name , string $routing_key )

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