PHP Manual

The SWFMovie class


SWFMovie is a movie object representing an SWF movie.


SWFMovie {
/* 方法 */
mixed SWFMovie::add ( object $instance )
void addExport ( SWFCharacter $char , string $name )
mixed addFont ( SWFFont $font )
SWFMovie __construct ([ int $version ] )
SWFSprite importChar ( string $libswf , string $name )
SWFFontChar importFont ( string $libswf , string $name )
void labelFrame ( string $label )
void nextFrame ( void )
int output ([ int $compression ] )
void remove ( object $instance )
int save ( string $filename [, int $compression = -1 ] )
int saveToFile ( resource $x [, int $compression = -1 ] )
void setbackground ( int $red , int $green , int $blue )
void setDimension ( float $width , float $height )
void setFrames ( int $number )
void setRate ( float $rate )
SWFSoundInstance startSound ( SWFSound $sound )
void stopSound ( SWFSound $sound )
int streamMP3 ( mixed $mp3file [, float $skip = 0 ] )
void writeExports ( void )

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