(PHP 4, PHP 5)
imap_getsubscribed — List all the subscribed mailboxes
Gets information about the subscribed mailboxes.
Identical to imap_getmailboxes(), except that it only returns mailboxes that the user is subscribed to.
由 imap_open() 返回的 IMAP 流。
ref should normally be just the server specification as described in imap_open()
在组成 pattern 的字符中可使用两个特殊字符: '*' 和 '%'。 '*' 是指返回所有邮箱目录. 如果将'*'作为 pattern 参数时, 则会返回整个邮箱层级结构。 '%' 是指只返回当前级次。 '%' 作为 pattern 参数则只会返回顶层邮箱; '~/mail/%' 用于 UW_IMAPD 则会返回名为 ~/mail 的目录, 但不包含其子目录。
Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes name, specifying the full name of the mailbox; delimiter, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and attributes. Attributes is a bitmask that can be tested against: