To use, Ajax Validation requires only that you add a URL(one per form), and some javascript to any page with the form.
For example, if you had the following form::
from django import forms
class ContactForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(label='Your Name')
email = forms.EmailField(label='Your Email')
message = forms.CharField(label='Your Message', widget=forms.Textarea)
You would need to add the following url to your urls.py(you also need to import the form class)::
(r'^SOME/URL/$', 'ajax_validation.views.validate', {'form_class': ContactForm}, 'contact_form_validate')
The URL can take any arguments(named, or unamed), and you can also provide a
callback function, this function is given request, \*args, and \*\*kwargs and
should return a dictionary which is passed to the form constructor.
And then in the template in which you are displaying the form, you should add::
{% load jquery_validation %}
{% include_validation %}
As you can see, you need to have jQuery for this to work(here it is being loaded
from google). In the javascript you use jQuery's selectors to select where the
form is, and the validate method takes 5 parameters, all optional, first is the
URL of the validation, here we reverse the URL we set up earlier. The second
parameter is a dictionary, it is optional and should either provide type(ul,
table, or p), this is the type of renderer you used for django's forms(form.as_p,
etc.), the default is table if nothing is provided. It can also take a callback
option which is a function that recieves data, which is the JSON representation
of any errors, and form, which is the jquery object that you provided. Finally,
it takes fields, which is a list of the fields that should be validated, it will
not display errors that aren't in that list of fields. The last 2 options are
dom and event, these allow you to choose when the validation will occur, dom
should be a jQuery object(i.e.: $('#my_field')), and event should be a jQuery
event(listed `here`_).
.. _here: http://docs.jquery.com/Events/bind#overview