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3.2.9.  Post Count Tags

To post Count Tag totals (i.e., Inventory counts) to the Quantity on Hand for their respective Item Sites for an entire Site, select the "Post Count Tags" option. The following screen will appear:

Post Count Tags

When posting Count Tags, you are presented with the following options:

All Sites

Select to post Count Tags for all Sites.


Specify Site where Count Tags are to be posted.

Thaw Frozen Inventory

Select to thaw all previously frozen Inventory in specified Site(s).

Item Sites in

Specify which of the following codes you want to have Count Tags posted for:

Class Code

If selected, you will be presented with Class Code options.

Planner Code

If selected, you will be presented with Planner Code options

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without posting Count Slip totals, returning you to the application desktop.


Posts Count Slip totals to their respective Count Tag totals.