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3.10.2. Detailed Inventory History by Lot/Serial #

Some users need to be able to track warranty periods of Items from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of finished goods. Such traceability is possible by leveraging the Lot/Serial capability in xTuple ERP. Using Lot/Serial trace, users have access to backwards and forwards tracking through multiple levels of production—including the where used and warranty status of Items.

For example, if a defective internal medical device came back because of a defective spring, a user should be able to determine what Lot of springs went into the device—even if the spring was issued to a subassembly two levels down. Likewise, once the spring Lot is determined, the user should be able to search forward and determine all goods where that Lot of springs was used and shipped so all Customers may be notified of the defect. If the spring was under warranty and is still eligible, the backward search should indicate so.

To view detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number, select the "Detailed Inventory History by Lot/Serial #" option. The following screen will appear:

Detailed Inventory History by Lot/Serial Number

When displaying detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number, you are presented with the following options:

Item Number

Enter the Item Number of the Item whose detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number you want to display.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

Lot/Serial #

Specify one of the following Lot/Serial Number selection criteria:


Enter the Lot/Serial Number of the Inventory whose detailed Inventory history you want to display.


Enter a Lot/Serial Number pattern to select a range of Product CategorieLot/Serial Numbers.

Trans. Types

Select one of the following transaction types from the drop-down menu.

All Transactions

Displays all Inventory transactions.


Displays receipts into Inventory from Manufacturing, purchases, or miscellaneous receipts.


Displays issues from Inventory to Manufacturing.


Displays shipments to customers.

Adjustments and Counts

Displays Inventory adjustments and counts.


Displays Inter-Site Transfers and Location and Lot/Serial Number reassignments.


Displays Scrap transfer from Inventory.

Date Range

Select if you want to use specific date range parameters. If not selected, the query will search for all time.

Start Date

Inventory transactions conducted on and after this date will be displayed. Start date and end date must be entered for calculation to proceed.

End Date

Inventory transactions conducted on and before this date will be displayed. Start date and end date must be entered for calculation to proceed.

All Sites

Select to display detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number for all Sites.


Specify Site whose detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number you want to display.

Multi-Level Trace

Select if you want the query to include one of the following trace options:


Select to view transaction activity of Lot/Serial goods through multiple levels showing where they were used. For example, we can see where a purchased Item was used in a Work Order and subsequently shipped against a Sales Order.


Select to view transaction activity of Lot/Serial goods though multiple levels showing what serialized Items went into them. For example, we can look at a finished goods shipped to a Customer and determine what purchased Items went into the good.

Inventory History

Display lists detailed Inventory history by Lot/Serial Number, using the specified parameters.


The system prefixes Order Numbers with letters indicating the Order type. For example, Work Orders are prefixed with "WO", Purchase Orders with "PO", and Sales Orders with "SO". These letters are for display purposes only and are not considered part of the Order Number.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters. Start date and end date must be entered for calculation to proceed. Results will be displayed in the "Inventory History" list.


Runs the report associated with this screen.