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8.13.3.  Update Credit Status by Customer

The credit status of a Customer has a direct bearing on whether Sales Orders can be created for that Customer. For example, Customers whose credit status is either "On Credit Warning" or "On Credit Hold" may not have Sales Orders entered for them. To update a Customer's credit status, select the "Update Credit Status by Customer" option. The following screen will appear:

Update Credit Status by Customer


The credit status for a Customer may also be updated using the Customer master. Any updates made using this utility will be reflected in the Customer master.

When updating the credit status for a Customer, you are presented with the following options:

Customer #

Enter the Customer Number of the Customer whose credit status you want to update. The browse button located to the right of the field leads to a searchable Customers list. You may also access this list using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + L". Once a Customer Number is entered, the Customer name and billing address will display.

Current Credit Status

Displays the specified Customer's current credit status. Current credit status is drawn from the Customer master.

In Good Standing

Select to make the Customer's credit status "In Good Standing." Customers with credit "In Good Standing" may have Sales Orders issued for them. A black-colored typeface will be associated with their account.

On Credit Warning

Select to make the Customer's credit status "On Credit Warning." Customers with credit "On Credit Warning" may not have Sales Orders issued for them. An orange-colored typeface will be associated with their account.

On Credit Hold

Select to make the Customer's credit status "On Credit Hold." Customers with credit "On Credit Hold" may not have Sales Orders issued for them. A red-colored typeface will be associated with their account.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without updating the Customer's credit status, returning you to the application desktop.


Updates the Customer's credit status, using the specified parameters.