The Incident Management system enables you to monitor and record Incidents that are linked to Accounts, Contacts, Users, and To-Do"s. The flexibility offered by the Incident Workbench enables you to effectively manage a variety of business processes:
Customer requests
Customer issues
Vendor certification
Outbound product quality tests
Inbound component quality tests
Any other processes that require tracking
Incidents can be used for multiple purposes, including customer service, trouble-ticketing and more. And for sites where the Batch Manager is installed and running, various Incident notification options are available (e.g., email notification). To enter a new Incident, select the "New Incident" option. The following screen will appear:
When entering a new Incident, you are presented with the following options:
Displays the Incident Number. You may set a beginning Incident Number at the system level.
Enter a few words to briefly describe the Incident
Specify a user-defined Category to assign the Incident.
Specify the CRM Account the Incident is associated with.
Specify the user you want to assign the Incident to.
Specify a system-defined Incident status to assign to the Incident from the available options:
This is the default Incident status when a new Incident is entered.
This status can be used for Incidents which require more information before they can be confirmed.
A confirmed Incident is ready to be acted on.
When Incidents are assigned to a user, they become that user's responsibility.
A resolved Incident is ready to be closed. Typically, users work to resolve the Incidents assigned to them.
This is the final status and indicates an Incident requires no further action. It is completed.
Specify a user-defined Severity to assign the Incident.
Specify a user-defined Priority to assign the Incident.
Specify a user-defined Resolution to assign the Incident.
Manually enter Contact information in the fields below—or use the browse button to select pre-existing Contact information. If the Contact you select is linked to a CRM Account, the Account will be filled in automatically.
This is a scrolling text field with word-wrapping for entering general Notes related to the Incident.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen without creating the Incident, returning you to the previous screen.
Creates the Incident and closes the screen, returning you to the previous screen.
If CRM is configured with a default Incident EDI Profile or if the Category of this Incident has an EDI Profile, you may encounter an EDI processing interface when saving the Incident.
To views or edit links an Incident has to other records, select the "Relationships" tab. The following screen will appear:
When linking an Incident to a specific Item or Lot/Serial Number, you are presented with the following options:
Enter the Item Number of the Item (if any) you want to associate with the Incident.
Inventory Unit of Measure.
Manually enter a Lot/Serial Number (if any) to associate with the Item—or use the browse button to select pre-existing Lot/Serial Number information.
Incidents may be linked to a specific Receivable Item from the A/R Open Items and A/R Open Items by Customer displays. When an Incident is linked to a specific Receivable Item, you are presented with the following options:
Displays the type of document associated with the Incident. Document types would include Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Invoice, and Cash Deposit.
Displays the identifying number of the Document.
To the far right of the screen, the following button is available:
To view or associate To-Dos with an Incident, select the "To-Do List Items" tab. The following screen will appear:
Display lists To-Do List Items associated with the Incident.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Enables you to edit highlighted To-Do List items. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new To-Do List item—except that when editing, the fields will contain To-Do List item information. Double-clicking on a To-Do List item will also bring you to the editing screen.
Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.
Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to remove the association between the To-Do List item and the Incident.
To view the history associated with an Incident, select the "History" tab. The following screen will appear:
The "History" screen displays information related to the Incident, including username of Incident creator, created date, status, and description.
To view system-generated Comments associated with an Incident—or to add new Comments of your own—select the "Comments" tab. The following screen will appear:
When adding or reviewing Comments, you are presented with the following options:
Select to display all Comments in the list in an expanded view which includes the entire text of each Comment. To edit a Comment, simply select the "Edit" link next to the Comment. That link will not be shown for Changelog Comments, which can't be edited. If the "Verbose Text" option is not selected, the Comment list will display only header level information for each Comment.
Display lists Comments related to the record.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Opens screen for creating a new Comment.
Highlight a Comment and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.
Enables you to edit highlighted Comments—as long as the Comments are not "ChangeLog" Comments. ChangeLog Comments are system-generated and may not be edited. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Comment—except that when editing, the fields will contain Comment information. Double-clicking on a Comment will also bring you to the editing screen.
To enter a new Comment, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:
Select a Comment Type from the drop-down list to classify the Comment. This is a required step. Comment Types may be system-defined (i.e., "ChangeLog" and "General") or user-defined, as described in Section 13.12, “Comment Types”. Once you have specified a Comment Type, begin typing your Comment in the main text area. The text area features word-wrapping and scroll-bar support for longer Comments.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen without creating the Comment, returning you to the previous screen.
Creates the Comment and adds it to the list of Comments.
Select to show the complete list (i.e., "thread") of Comments associated with the record. To hide the list, simply select the SHOW MORE button again. The Comment thread will show the most recent Comment first.
To view the documents associated with an Incident, select the "Documents" tab. The following screen will appear:
Incident Documents
When associating documents with a record, you are presented with the following options:
Select to display the list of associated Images.
Select to display the list of associated Files.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Allows you the ability to preview the Image.
Runs the report associated with this screen.
Opens master list of stored Item Images, allowing you to associate an Image with the Customer.
Enables you to edit highlighted Image definitions. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Image definition—except that when editing, the fields will contain Image information. Double-clicking on a Image definition will also bring you to the editing screen.
Highlight a Image and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.
Highlight a Image definition and then select this button to remove the Image from the list.
To specify an assignment for an Image, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:
When assigning an image to a purpose, you are presented with the following options:
Select one of the available purposes an Image might serve:
Select if the Image describes Inventory.
Select if the Image describes a Product.
Select if the Image serves as an engineering reference.
Select if the Image is a miscellaneous Image.
You may create multiple Image Assignments, but only one Image Assignment per purpose.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen, returning you to the previous screen.
Highlight an Image, then select the SAVE button to associate the Image with the specified item and purpose.
Opens screen for adding a new Image to the master list of stored Images. For additional documentation related to adding new Images to the database, see Section 13.2.1, “Image”.
Allows user to view image.
To add a new Image to the master list of stored Images, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:
When adding a new Image to the master list of stored Images, you are presented with the following options:
Enter the physical directory location of the Image. The browse button enables you to search your system for the physical directory location of the Image file. Once you locate the file, simply select it to have it entered into the "File Name" field.
Enter a unique name for the Image.
Enter a description to further identify the Image.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen without adding a new Image to the master list of stored Images.
Creates the Image and adds it to the master list of stored Images.
Display lists the title and URL for any Files related to the Item. To enter Files associated with an Item, select the "Files" radio button.
To specify an association with a File, select the "Files" option. The following screen will appear:
When associating Files, you are presented with the following options:
Display lists the title and URL for any related Files.
Highlight a File definition and then select this button to open the URL in a web browser.
Opens screen for creating a new File.
Enables you to edit highlighted File definitions. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new File definition—except that when editing, the fields will contain File definition information. Double-clicking on a File definition will also bring you to the editing screen.
Highlight a File definition and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.
Highlight a File definition and then select this button to remove the File definition from the list.
To create a new File, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:
When creating a new File, you are presented with the following options:
Select radio button to add file URL from local source.
Select radio button to add file URL from the Internet.
Enter a title to identify the File.
Enter the URL indicating where the File is located. This is the location where the File will be opened from when the user selects the OPEN button.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen without creating a File, returning you to the previous screen.
Creates the File and adds it to the list of Files.
To view the alarms associated with an Incident, select the "Alarms" tab. The following screen will appear:
Upon selecting Alarms you are presented with the following options:
Displays a list of Alarms you can create to send reminders to various users associated with an event or system message.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Opens screen for entering new Alarm information.
Enables you to edit highlighted Alarm. The edit screen is the same as that for entering new Alarm information—except that when editing, the fields will contain Alarm information.
Highlight an Alarm and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen. Double-clicking on an Alarm will also bring you to the view screen.
Highlight an Alarm Item and then select this button to remove the Alarm Item from the list.
To create a new Alarm, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:
When creating a new Alarm you are presented with the following options:
Add the date and time for which you want the Alarm to alert specific users and contacts.
Select if you would like an event to trigger the Alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.
Select if you would like an Email notification to be sent as an alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.
Select if you would like a system message to be issued as an alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen without creating an Alarm, returning you to the previous screen.
Creates the Alarm and adds it to the list of Alarms.
Allows you to choose unlimited number of users created in the system.
Allows you to choose from unlimited number of contacts created in the system.
The Incident Workbench enables you to monitor and take action on the full range of Incidents entered in your system.
When using the Incident Workbench, you are presented with the following options:
Select to include Incidents assigned to the specified user(s).
Select to include Incidents owned by the specified user(s).
Select to display Incidents for all users.
Specify the user whose Incidents you want to display.
Enter a user pattern to select a range of users.
Specify which of the following system-defined Incident statuses you want to include in the display. Not selecting a status means Incidents having that status will not be included in the display:
Select to include Incidents having "New" status in the display. This is the default Incident status when a new Incident is entered.
Select to include Incidents having "Feedback" status in the display. This status can be used for Incidents which require more information before they can be confirmed.
Select to include Incidents having "Confirmed" status in the display. A confirmed Incident is ready to be acted on.
Select to include Incidents having "Assigned" status in the display. When Incidents are assigned to a user, they become that user's responsibility.
Select to include Incidents having "Resolved" status in the display. A resolved Incident is ready to be closed. Typically, users work to resolve the Incidents assigned to them.
Select to include Incidents having "Closed" status in the display. This is the final status and indicates an Incident requires no further action. It is completed.
Incidents created on or after this date will be included in the display.
Incidents created on or before this date will be included in the display.
Enter a text pattern to locate keywords found in Incident "Number," "Summary" and/or "Description" fields.
Display lists Incidents, using the specified parameters.
Select to automatically update the display every five minutes.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.
Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.
Runs the report associated with this screen.
Select to clear the "Summary/Description Matches" field.
Opens screen for creating a new Incident.
Enables you to edit highlighted Incidents. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Incident—except that when editing, the fields will contain Incident information. Double-clicking on an Incident will also bring you to the editing screen.
Highlight an Incident and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.