发布日期: 1996-02-23
下面信息是给那些希望将数据库从 postgres95 1.0 向 postgres95 1.01 迁移的用户的一些有用信息.
如果你是刚刚安装完成 postgres95 1.01 并且没有需要迁移的旧数据库, 那么你不需要阅读下面部分.
如果要把postgres95 版本 1.0 的数据库向 postgres95 版本 1.01 迁移, 需要进行下面的步骤:
把文件 src/Makefile.global 里的变量 NAMEDATALEN 定义为16, OIDNAMELEN 定义为 20.
如果你需要这么做, 你必须在顶级数据目录(通常是你的环境变量$PGDATA的值)里创建一个名为 "pg_hba" 的文件.我们在例子语法里用 src/libpq/pg_hba 代表.
如果你不需要这样以主机为基础的认证, 你可以把 src/Makefile.global 里的下面这行注释掉
HBA = 1
要注意缺省时以主机为基础的认证(HBA)是打开的, 而且如果你不做上面所说的步骤A或B中的其 中一步,其他主机上(out-of-the-box)的1.01版本将不允许你与1.0的数据库联接.
编译和安装 1.01,但是不要执行 initdb 步骤.
在进行下一步之前,宕掉1.0的postmaster进程,然后备份你现有的 $PGDATA 目录.
把你的 PGDATA 环境变量设置为你的 1.0 的库(的位置), 但是把路径设置成1.01的可执行文件路径.
把文件 $PGDATA/PG_VERSION 从5.0修改成5.1
把1.01的新的内建的函数和操作符追加到1.0的数据库中去. 这一步是通过在你的1.0的库上运行1.01的服务 器,并且对之运行下面的查询来实现的. 假如我们把下面查询拷贝到一个文件 1.0_to_1.01.sql 里去,那么我 们可以通过psql很容易完整升级工作.假设你的1.0数据库名为"testdb":
% psql testdb -f 1.0_to_1.01.sql
-- add builtin functions that are new to 1.01 create function int4eqoid (int4, oid) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function oideqint4 (oid, int4) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char2icregexeq (char2, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char2icregexne (char2, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char4icregexeq (char4, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char4icregexne (char4, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char8icregexeq (char8, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char8icregexne (char8, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char16icregexeq (char16, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function char16icregexne (char16, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function texticregexeq (text, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; create function texticregexne (text, text) returns bool as 'foo' language 'internal'; -- add builtin functions that are new to 1.01 create operator = (leftarg = int4, rightarg = oid, procedure = int4eqoid); create operator = (leftarg = oid, rightarg = int4, procedure = oideqint4); create operator ~* (leftarg = char2, rightarg = text, procedure = char2icregexeq); create operator !~* (leftarg = char2, rightarg = text, procedure = char2icregexne); create operator ~* (leftarg = char4, rightarg = text, procedure = char4icregexeq); create operator !~* (leftarg = char4, rightarg = text, procedure = char4icregexne); create operator ~* (leftarg = char8, rightarg = text, procedure = char8icregexeq); create operator !~* (leftarg = char8, rightarg = text, procedure = char8icregexne); create operator ~* (leftarg = char16, rightarg = text, procedure = char16icregexeq); create operator !~* (leftarg = char16, rightarg = text, procedure = char16icregexne); create operator ~* (leftarg = text, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexeq); create operator !~* (leftarg = text, rightarg = text, procedure = texticregexne);
不兼容性: * 1.01 is backwards compatible with 1.0 database provided the user follow the steps outlined in the MIGRATION_from_1.0_to_1.01 file. If those steps are not taken, 1.01 is not compatible with 1.0 database. 增强: * added PQdisplayTuples() to libpq and changed monitor and psql to use it * added NeXT port (requires SysVIPC implementation) * added CAST .. AS ... syntax * added ASC and DESC keywords * added 'internal' as a possible language for CREATE FUNCTION internal functions are C functions which have been statically linked into the postgres backend. * a new type "name" has been added for system identifiers (table names, attribute names, etc.) This replaces the old char16 type. The of name is set by the NAMEDATALEN #define in src/Makefile.global * a readable reference manual that describes the query language. * added host-based access control. A configuration file ($PGDATA/pg_hba) is used to hold the configuration data. If host-based access control is not desired, comment out HBA=1 in src/Makefile.global. * changed regex handling to be uniform use of Henry Spencer's regex code regardless of platform. The regex code is included in the distribution * added functions and operators for case-insensitive regular expressions. The operators are ~* and !~*. * pg_dump uses COPY instead of SELECT loop for better performance 臭虫修补∶ * fixed an optimizer bug that was causing core dumps when functions calls were used in comparisons in the WHERE clause * changed all uses of getuid to geteuid so that effective uids are used * psql now returns non-zero status on errors when using -c * applied public patches 1-14