Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: name
determineIdxnameSerial (tab_fqname) Given a tablename, construct the index name of the serial column.declare p_tab_fqname alias for $1; v_tab_fqname_quoted text default ''; v_row record; begin v_tab_fqname_quoted := slon_quote_input(p_tab_fqname); -- -- Lookup the table name alone -- select PGC.relname into v_row from "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN where slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || '.' || slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = v_tab_fqname_quoted and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace; if not found then raise exception 'Slony-I: table % not found', v_tab_fqname_quoted; end if; -- -- Return the found index name -- return v_row.relname || '__Slony-I_schemadoc_rowID_key'; end;