1.61. failednode( integer, integer )

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: integer

Initiate failover from failed_node to backup_node. This function must be called on all nodes, and then waited for the restart of all node daemons.

	p_failed_node		alias for $1;
	p_backup_node		alias for $2;
	v_row				record;
	v_row2				record;
	v_n					int4;
	-- ----
	-- Grab the central configuration lock
	-- ----
	lock table sl_config_lock;

	-- ----
	-- All consistency checks first
	-- Check that every node that has a path to the failed node
	-- also has a path to the backup node.
	-- ----
	for v_row in select P.pa_client
			from sl_path P
			where P.pa_server = p_failed_node
				and P.pa_client <> p_backup_node
				and not exists (select true from sl_path PP
							where PP.pa_server = p_backup_node
								and PP.pa_client = P.pa_client)
		raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot failover - node % has no path to the backup node',
	end loop;

	-- ----
	-- Check all sets originating on the failed node
	-- ----
	for v_row in select set_id
			from sl_set
			where set_origin = p_failed_node
		-- ----
		-- Check that the backup node is subscribed to all sets
		-- that originate on the failed node
		-- ----
		select into v_row2 sub_forward, sub_active
				from sl_subscribe
				where sub_set = v_row.set_id
					and sub_receiver = p_backup_node;
		if not found then
			raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot failover - node % is not subscribed to set %',
					p_backup_node, v_row.set_id;
		end if;

		-- ----
		-- Check that the subscription is active
		-- ----
		if not v_row2.sub_active then
			raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot failover - subscription for set % is not active',
		end if;

		-- ----
		-- If there are other subscribers, the backup node needs to
		-- be a forwarder too.
		-- ----
		select into v_n count(*)
				from sl_subscribe
				where sub_set = v_row.set_id
					and sub_receiver <> p_backup_node;
		if v_n > 0 and not v_row2.sub_forward then
			raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot failover - node % is not a forwarder of set %',
					p_backup_node, v_row.set_id;
		end if;
	end loop;

	-- ----
	-- Terminate all connections of the failed node the hard way
	-- ----
	perform terminateNodeConnections(p_failed_node);

	-- ----
	-- Move the sets
	-- ----
	for v_row in select S.set_id, (select count(*)
					from sl_subscribe SUB
					where S.set_id = SUB.sub_set
						and SUB.sub_receiver <> p_backup_node
						and SUB.sub_provider = p_failed_node)
					as num_direct_receivers 
			from sl_set S
			where S.set_origin = p_failed_node
			for update
		-- ----
		-- If the backup node is the only direct subscriber ...
		-- ----
		if v_row.num_direct_receivers = 0 then
		        raise notice 'failedNode: set % has no other direct receivers - move now', v_row.set_id;
			-- ----
			-- backup_node is the only direct subscriber, move the set
			-- right now. On the backup node itself that includes restoring
			-- all user mode triggers, removing the protection trigger,
			-- adding the log trigger, removing the subscription and the
			-- obsolete setsync status.
			-- ----
			if p_backup_node = getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc') then
				for v_row2 in select * from sl_table
						where tab_set = v_row.set_id
					perform alterTableRestore(v_row2.tab_id);
				end loop;

				update sl_set set set_origin = p_backup_node
						where set_id = v_row.set_id;

				delete from sl_setsync
						where ssy_setid = v_row.set_id;

				for v_row2 in select * from sl_table
						where tab_set = v_row.set_id
					perform alterTableForReplication(v_row2.tab_id);
				end loop;
			end if;

			delete from sl_subscribe
					where sub_set = v_row.set_id
						and sub_receiver = p_backup_node;
			raise notice 'failedNode: set % has other direct receivers - change providers only', v_row.set_id;
			-- ----
			-- Backup node is not the only direct subscriber. This
			-- means that at this moment, we redirect all direct
			-- subscribers to receive from the backup node, and the
			-- backup node itself to receive from another one.
			-- The admin utility will wait for the slon engine to
			-- restart and then call failedNode2() on the node with
			-- the highest SYNC and redirect this to it on
			-- backup node later.
			-- ----
			update sl_subscribe
					set sub_provider = (select min(SS.sub_receiver)
							from sl_subscribe SS
							where SS.sub_set = v_row.set_id
								and SS.sub_provider = p_failed_node
								and SS.sub_receiver <> p_backup_node
								and SS.sub_forward)
					where sub_set = v_row.set_id
						and sub_receiver = p_backup_node;
			update sl_subscribe
					set sub_provider = p_backup_node
					where sub_set = v_row.set_id
						and sub_provider = p_failed_node
						and sub_receiver <> p_backup_node;
		end if;
	end loop;

	-- Rewrite sl_listen table
	perform RebuildListenEntries();

	-- Run addPartialLogIndices() to try to add indices to unused sl_log_? table
	perform addPartialLogIndices();

	-- ----
	-- Make sure the node daemon will restart
	-- ----
	notify "_schemadoc_Restart";

	-- ----
	-- That is it - so far.
	-- ----
	return p_failed_node;