Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: bigint
moveSet(set_id, new_origin) Generate MOVE_SET event to request that the origin for set set_id be moved to node new_origindeclare p_set_id alias for $1; p_new_origin alias for $2; v_local_node_id int4; v_set_row record; v_sub_row record; v_sync_seqno int8; v_lv_row record; begin -- ---- -- Grab the central configuration lock -- ---- lock table sl_config_lock; -- ---- -- Check that the set is locked and that this locking -- happened long enough ago. -- ---- v_local_node_id := getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc'); select * into v_set_row from sl_set where set_id = p_set_id for update; if not found then raise exception 'Slony-I: set % not found', p_set_id; end if; if v_set_row.set_origin <> v_local_node_id then raise exception 'Slony-I: set % does not originate on local node', p_set_id; end if; if v_set_row.set_locked isnull then raise exception 'Slony-I: set % is not locked', p_set_id; end if; if v_set_row.set_locked > getMinXid() then raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot move set % yet, transactions < % are still in progress', p_set_id, v_set_row.set_locked; end if; -- ---- -- Unlock the set -- ---- perform unlockSet(p_set_id); -- ---- -- Check that the new_origin is an active subscriber of the set -- ---- select * into v_sub_row from sl_subscribe where sub_set = p_set_id and sub_receiver = p_new_origin; if not found then raise exception 'Slony-I: set % is not subscribed by node %', p_set_id, p_new_origin; end if; if not v_sub_row.sub_active then raise exception 'Slony-I: subsctiption of node % for set % is inactive', p_new_origin, p_set_id; end if; -- ---- -- Reconfigure everything -- ---- perform moveSet_int(p_set_id, v_local_node_id, p_new_origin); perform RebuildListenEntries(); -- ---- -- At this time we hold access exclusive locks for every table -- in the set. But we did move the set to the new origin, so the -- createEvent() we are doing now will not record the sequences. -- ---- v_sync_seqno := createEvent('_schemadoc', 'SYNC'); insert into sl_seqlog (seql_seqid, seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_last_value) select seq_id, v_local_node_id, v_sync_seqno, seq_last_value from sl_seqlastvalue where seq_set = p_set_id; -- ---- -- Finally we generate the real event -- ---- return createEvent('_schemadoc', 'MOVE_SET', p_set_id, v_local_node_id, p_new_origin); end;