1.99. setdroptable_int( integer )

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: integer

setDropTable_int (tab_id) This function processes the SET_DROP_TABLE event on remote nodes, dropping a table from replication if the remote node is subscribing to its replication set.

	p_tab_id		alias for $1;
	v_set_id		int4;
	v_local_node_id		int4;
	v_set_origin		int4;
	v_sub_provider		int4;
	v_tab_reloid		oid;
	-- ----
	-- Grab the central configuration lock
	-- ----
	lock table sl_config_lock;

        -- ----
	-- Determine the set_id
        -- ----
	select tab_set into v_set_id from sl_table where tab_id = p_tab_id;

	-- ----
	-- Ensure table exists
	-- ----
	if not found then
		return 0;
	end if;

	-- ----
	-- For sets with a remote origin, check that we are subscribed 
	-- to that set. Otherwise we ignore the table because it might 
	-- not even exist in our database.
	-- ----
	v_local_node_id := getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc');
	select set_origin into v_set_origin
			from sl_set
			where set_id = v_set_id;
	if not found then
		raise exception 'Slony-I: setDropTable_int(): set % not found',
	end if;
	if v_set_origin != v_local_node_id then
		select sub_provider into v_sub_provider
				from sl_subscribe
				where sub_set = v_set_id
				and sub_receiver = getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc');
		if not found then
			return 0;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- ----
	-- Drop the table from sl_table and drop trigger from it.
	-- ----
	perform alterTableRestore(p_tab_id);
	perform tableDropKey(p_tab_id);
	delete from sl_table where tab_id = p_tab_id;
	return p_tab_id;