Part IV. Programming With High Level APIs

Table of Contents

Chapter 14. Master-Worker API
14.1. Overview
14.2. Logger Settings
14.3. Master Creation And Deployment
14.3.1. Local Master creation
14.3.2. Remote Master creation
14.4. Adding Resources
14.5. Tasks definition and submission
14.6. Results retrieval and reception order
14.7. Terminating the master
14.8. Worker ping period
14.9. Worker task flooding
14.10. Worker Memory
14.10.1. Structure and API
14.10.2. Storing data
14.10.3. Retrieving and using the data
14.11. Monte-Carlo PI Example
Chapter 15. The Calcium Skeleton Framework
15.1. Introduction
15.1.1. About Calcium
15.1.2. The Big Picture
15.2. Quick Example
15.2.1. Define the skeleton structure
15.2.2. Implementing the Muscle Functions
15.2.3. Create a new Calcium Instance
15.2.4. Provide an input of problems to be solved by the framework
15.2.5. Collect the results
15.2.6. View the performance statistics
15.3. Supported Patterns
15.4. Execution Environments
15.4.1. MultiThreadedEnvironment
15.4.2. ProActiveEnvironment
15.4.3. ProActiveSchedulerEnvironment (unstable)
15.5. File Access and Transfer Support (beta)
15.5.1. WorkSpace
15.5.2. Annotated Muscle Functions
15.5.3. Muscle Function Example
15.5.4. Input and Output Files from the framework
15.6. Performance Statistics (beta)
15.6.1. Global Statistics
15.6.2. Local Result Statistics
Chapter 16. OOSPMD
16.1. OOSPMD: Introduction
16.2. SPMD Group Creation
16.3. Synchronizing activities with barriers
16.3.1. Total Barrier
16.3.2. Neighbour barrier
16.3.3. Method Barrier
16.4. MPI to ProActive Summary
Chapter 17. Wrapping Application Legacy code
17.1. Simple Wrapping
17.1.1. Principles
17.1.2. API For Deploying MPI Codes
17.1.3. How to write an application with the XML and the API
17.1.4. Using the Infrastructure
17.1.5. Example with several codes
17.2. Wrapping with control
17.2.1. One Active Object per MPI process
17.2.2. MPI to ProActive Communications
17.2.3. ProActive to MPI Communications
17.2.4. MPI to MPI Communications through ProActive
17.2.5. USER STEPS - The Jacobi Relaxation example
17.3. Design and Implementation
17.3.1. Simple wrapping
17.4. Summary of the API
17.4.1. Simple Wrapping and Deployment of MPI Code
17.4.2. Wrapping with Control