Part VI. Programming With Components

Table of Contents

Chapter 25. Introduction
Chapter 26. Getting started
Chapter 27. User guide
27.1. Architecture Description Language
27.1.1. Overview
27.1.2. Exportation and composition of virtual nodes
27.1.3. Usage
27.2. Deployment
27.3. Collective interfaces
27.3.1. Motivations
27.3.2. Multicast interfaces
27.3.3. Gathercast interfaces
27.4. Implementation specific API
27.4.1. fractal.provider
27.4.2. Requirements
27.4.3. Content and controller descriptions
27.4.4. Collective interfaces
27.4.5. Priority controller
27.4.6. Stream ports
27.5. Advanced
27.5.1. Controllers and interceptors
27.5.2. Lifecycle: encapsulation of functional activity in component lifecycle
27.5.3. Structuring the membrane with non-functional components
27.6. Short cuts
27.6.1. Principles
27.6.2. Configuration
Chapter 28. Architecture and design
28.1. Meta-object protocol
28.2. Components vs active objects
28.3. Method invocations on components interfaces
Chapter 29. Component examples
29.1. From objects to active objects to distributed components
29.1.1. Type
29.1.2. Description of the content
29.1.3. Description of the controller
29.1.4. From attributes to client interfaces
29.2. The HelloWorld example
29.2.1. Set-up
29.2.2. Architecture
29.2.3. Distributed deployment
29.2.4. Execution
29.2.5. The HelloWorld ADL files
Chapter 30. Component perspectives: a support for advanced research
30.1. Dynamic reconfiguration
30.2. Model-checking
30.3. Pattern-based deployment
30.4. Graphical tools
Chapter 31. Annex
31.1. The starter example files