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Theorem List for New Foundations Explorer - 6301-6337   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremnchoicelem13 6301 Lemma for nchoice 6308. The cardinality of a special set is at least one. (Contributed by SF, 18-Mar-2015.)
(M NC → 1cc Nc ( SpacM))
Theoremnchoicelem14 6302 Lemma for nchoice 6308. When the special set generator yields a singleton, then the cardinal is not raisable. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
((M NC Nc ( SpacM) = 1c) → ¬ (Mc 0c) NC )
Theoremnchoicelem15 6303 Lemma for nchoice 6308. When the special set generator does not yield a singleton, then the cardinal is raisable. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
((M NC 1c <c Nc ( SpacM)) → (Mc 0c) NC )
Theoremnchoicelem16 6304* Lemma for nchoice 6308. Set up stratification for nchoicelem17 6305. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
{t ( ≤c We NCm NC ( Nc ( Spacm) = (1c +c t) → (( SpacTc m) Fin ( Nc ( SpacTc m) = ( Tc Nc ( Spacm) +c 1c) Nc ( SpacTc m) = ( Tc Nc ( Spacm) +c 2c)))))} V
Theoremnchoicelem17 6305 Lemma for nchoice 6308. If the special set of a cardinal is finite, then so is the special set of its T-raising, and there is a calculable relationship between their sizes. Theorem 7.2 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 19-Mar-2015.)
(( ≤c We NC M NC ( SpacM) Fin ) → (( SpacTc M) Fin ( Nc ( SpacTc M) = ( Tc Nc ( SpacM) +c 1c) Nc ( SpacTc M) = ( Tc Nc ( SpacM) +c 2c))))
Theoremnchoicelem18 6306 Lemma for nchoice 6308. Set up stratification for nchoicelem19 6307. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
{x ( Spacx) Fin } V
Theoremnchoicelem19 6307 Lemma for nchoice 6308. Assuming well-ordering, there is a cardinal with a finite special set that is its own T-raising. Theorem 7.3 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
( ≤c We NCm NC (( Spacm) Fin Tc m = m))
Theoremnchoice 6308 Cardinal less than or equal does not well-order the cardinals. This is equivalent to saying that the axiom of choice from ZFC is false in NF. Theorem 7.5 of [Specker] p. 974. (Contributed by SF, 20-Mar-2015.)
¬ ≤c We NC
2.4.7  Finite recursion
Syntaxcfrec 6309 Extend the definition of a class to include the finite recursive function generator.
class FRec (F, I)
Definitiondf-frec 6310* Define the finite recursive function generator. This is a function over Nn that obeys the standard recursion relationship. Definition adapted from theorem XI.3.24 of [Rosser] p. 412. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
FRec (F, I) = Clos1 ({0c, I}, PProd ((x V (x +c 1c)), F))
Theoremfreceq12 6311 Equality theorem for finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
((F = G I = J) → FRec (F, I) = FRec (G, J))
Theoremfrecexg 6312 The finite recursive function generator preserves sethood. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)       (G VF V)
Theoremfrecex 6313 The finite recursive function generator preserves sethood. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   G V       F V
Theoremfrecxp 6314 Subset relationship for the finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 30-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   G V       F ( Nn × (ran G ∪ {I}))
Theoremfrecxpg 6315 Subset relationship for the finite recursive function generator. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)       (G VF ( Nn × (ran G ∪ {I})))
Theoremdmfrec 6316 The domain of the finite recursive function generator is the naturals. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → dom F = Nn )
Theoremfnfreclem1 6317* Lemma for fnfrec 6320. Establish stratification for induction. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
(F V → {w yz((wFy wFz) → y = z)} V)
Theoremfnfreclem2 6318 Lemma for fnfrec 6320. Calculate the unique value of F at zero. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → (0cFXX = I))
Theoremfnfreclem3 6319* Lemma for fnfrec 6320. The value of F at a successor is G related to a previous element. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG V)    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)    &   (φX Nn )    &   (φ → (X +c 1c)FY)       (φz(XFz zGY))
Theoremfnfrec 6320 The recursive function generator is a function over the finite cardinals. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φF Fn Nn )
Theoremfrec0 6321 Calculate the value of the finite recursive function generator at zero. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)       (φ → (F ‘0c) = I)
Theoremfrecsuc 6322 Calculate the value of the finite recursive function generator at a successor. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 31-Jul-2019.)
F = FRec (G, I)    &   (φG Funs )    &   (φI dom G)    &   (φ → ran G dom G)    &   (φX Nn )       (φ → (F ‘(X +c 1c)) = (G ‘(FX)))
2.5  Cantorian and Strongly Cantorian Sets
Syntaxccan 6323 Extend the definition of class to include the class of all Cantorian sets.
class Can
Definitiondf-can 6324 Define the class of all Cantorian sets. These are so-called because Cantor's Theorem Nc A <c Nc A holds for these sets. Definition from [Rosser] p. 347 and [Holmes] p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
Can = {x 1xx}
Syntaxcscan 6325 Extend the definition of class to include the class of all strongly Cantorian sets.
class SCan
Definitiondf-scan 6326* Define the class of strongly Cantorian sets. Unlike general Cantorian sets, this fixes a specific mapping between x and 1x. Definition from [Holmes] p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
SCan = {x (y x {y}) V}
Theoremdmsnfn 6327* The domain of the singleton function. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 20-Apr-2021.)
dom (x A {x}) = A
Theoremepelcres 6328 Version of epelc 4765 with a restriction in place. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 20-Apr-2021.)
Y V       (X A → (X( E A)YX Y))
Theoremelcan 6329 Membership in the class of Cantorian sets. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A Can1AA)
Theoremelscan 6330* Membership in the class of strongly Cantorian sets. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A SCan ↔ (x A {x}) V)
Theoremscancan 6331 Strongly Cantorian implies Cantorian. Observation from [Holmes], p. 134. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 19-Apr-2021.)
(A SCanA Can )
Theoremcanncb 6332 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the cardinality of its unit power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 23-Apr-2021.)
(A V → (A CanNc 1A = Nc A))
Theoremcannc 6333 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the cardinality of its unit power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 21-Apr-2021.)
(A CanNc 1A = Nc A)
Theoremcanltpw 6334 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is strictly less than the cardinality of its power set. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 21-Apr-2021.)
(A CanNc A <c Nc A)
Theoremcantcb 6335 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the Tc raising of that cardinal. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 23-Apr-2021.)
(A V → (A CanTc Nc A = Nc A))
Theoremcantc 6336 The cardinality of a Cantorian set is equal to the Tc raising of that cardinal. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 22-Apr-2021.)
(A CanTc Nc A = Nc A)
Theoremvncan 6337 The universe is not Cantorian. Theorem XI.1.8 of [Rosser] p. 348. (Contributed by Scott Fenton, 22-Apr-2021.)
¬ V Can
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