Docs: OpenSSL based Security Plugin

OpenSSL based Security Plugin


Implements a public/private key based message validation system using SSL public and private keys.

Please review the Security Overview for a general discussion about security in Marionette Collective.

The design goal of the plugin are two fold:

  • give different security credentials to clients and servers to avoid a compromised server from sending new client requests.
  • create a token that uniquely identify the client - based on the filename of the public key. This creates a strong identity token for SimpleRPCAuthorization.
  • As of 1.3.2 it cryptographically protect the TTL and Message Time properties of requests. Aiding in securing against replay atacks.

Serialization uses Marshal or YAML, which means data types in and out of mcollective will be preserved from client to server and reverse.

Validation is as default and is provided by MCollective::Security::Base

Initial code was contributed by Vladimir Vuksan and modified by R.I.Pienaar

An alternative plugin exist that encrypts data but is more work to setup and maintain.



To setup you need to create a SSL key pair that is shared by all nodes.

The certificate names must match /\w.-/.

 % openssl genrsa -out server-private.pem 1024
 % openssl rsa -in server-private.pem -out server-public.pem -outform PEM -pubout

Distribute the private and public file to /etc/mcollective/ssl on all the nodes. Distribute the public file to /etc/mcollective/ssl everywhere the client code runs.


  securityprovider = ssl
  plugin.ssl_server_private = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-private.pem
  plugin.ssl_server_public = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem
  plugin.ssl_client_cert_dir = /etc/mcollective/ssl/clients/

TTL and Message Times are protected by default 2.0.0, this means older clients will not be able to communicate with servers running this version of the security plugin. You can make it warn but not deny older clients:

  plugin.ssl.enforce_ttl = 0

Users and Clients

Now you should create a key pair for every one of your clients, here we create one for user john - you could also if you are less concerned with client id create one pair and share it with all clients:

The certificate names must match /\w.-/.

 % openssl genrsa -out john-private.pem 1024
 % openssl rsa -in john-private.pem -out john-public.pem -outform PEM -pubout

Each user has a unique userid, this is based on the name of the public key. In this example case the userid would be ‘john-public’.

Store these somewhere like:


Every users public key needs to be distributed to all the nodes, save the john one in a file called:


If you wish to use Registration or auditing that sends connections over MC to a central host you will need also put the server-public.pem in the clients directory.

You should be aware if you do add the node public key to the clients dir you will in effect be weakening your overall security. You should consider doing this only if you also set up an Authorization method that limits the requests the nodes can make.


 securityprovider = ssl
 plugin.ssl_server_public = /etc/mcollective/ssl/server-public.pem
 plugin.ssl_client_private = /home/john/.mc/john-private.pem
 plugin.ssl_client_public = /home/john/.mc/john-public.pem

If you have many clients per machine and dont want to configure the main config file with the public/private keys you can set the following environment variables:

 export MCOLLECTIVE_SSL_PRIVATE=/home/john/.mc/john-private.pem
 export MCOLLECTIVE_SSL_PUBLIC=/home/john/.mc/john-public.pem

Serialization Method

You can choose either YAML or Marshal, the default is Marshal. The view with optional Marshal encoding is to have a serializer supported by other languages other than Ruby to enable future integration with those.

To use YAML set this in both client.cfg and server.cfg:

plugin.ssl_serializer = yaml

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