Docs: Node Reports

Node Reports

As we have all facts, classes and agents for nodes we can do some custom reporting on all of these.

The mco inventory tool is a generic node and network reporting tool, it has basic scripting abilities.

Note: This is an emerging feature, the scripting language is likely to change

Node View

To obtain a full inventory for a given node you can run mco inventory like this:

 % mco inventory
 Inventory for

   Server Statistics:
                   Start Time: Mon Sep 13 18:24:46 +0100 2010
                  Config File: /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
                   Process ID: 5197
               Total Messages: 62
      Messages Passed Filters: 62
            Messages Filtered: 0
                 Replies Sent: 61
         Total Processor Time: 0.18 seconds
                  System Time: 0.01 seconds

       discovery       echo            nrpe
       package         process         puppetd
       rpctest         service

    Configuration Management Classes:
       aliases                        apache

       architecture => i386
       country => de
       culturemotd => 1
       customer => rip
       diskdrives => xvda

This gives you a good idea of all the details available for a node.

Collective List

We have a concept of Subcollectives and you can use the inventory application to get a quick report on all known collectives:

$ mco inventory --list-collectives

 * [ ===================================== ] 52 / 52

   Collective                     Nodes
   ==========                     =====
   za_collective                  2
   us_collective                  7
   uk_collective                  19
   de_collective                  24
   eu_collective                  45
   mcollective                    52

                     Total nodes: 52

Collective Map

You can also create a DOT format graph of your collective:

$ mco inventory --collective-graph

Retrieving collective info....
Graph of 52 nodes has been written to

The graph will be a simple dot graph that can be viewed with Graphviz, Gephi or other compatible software.

Custom Reports

You can create little scriptlets and pass them into mco inventory with the –script option.

You have the following data available to your reports:

Variable Description
time The time the report was started, normal Ruby Time object
identity The sender id
facts A hash of facts
agents An array of agents
classes An array of CF Classes

printf style reports

Lets say you now need a report of all your IBM hardware listing hostname, serial number and product name you can write a scriptlet like this:

1 inventory do
2     format "%s:\t\t%s\t\t%s"
4     fields { [ identity, facts["serialnumber"], facts["productname"] ] }
5 end

And if saved as run it like this:

 % mco inventory -W "productname=/IBM|BladeCenter/" --script
 xx12:           99xxx21         BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]-
 xx9:            99xxx46         BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]-
 xx10:           99xxx29         BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]-
 yy1:            KDxxxFR         IBM System x3655 -[79855AY]-
 xx5:            99xxx85         IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 -[8853GLG]-

We’ll add more capabilities in the future, for now you can access facts as a hash, agents and classes as arrays as well as identity as a string.

Perl format style reports

To use this you need to install the formatr gem, once that’s installed you can create a report scriptlet like below:

 1 formatted_inventory do
 2     page_length 20
 4     page_heading <<TOP
 6             Node Report @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 7                         time
 9 Hostname:         Customer:     Distribution:
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 TOP
13     page_body <<BODY
15 @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
16 identity,    facts["customer"], facts["lsbdistdescription"]
17                                 @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
18                                 facts["processor0"]
20 end

Here we create a paged report - 20 nodes per page - with a heading section and a 2 line report per node with identity, customer, distribution and processor.

The output looks like this:

 % mco inventory -W "/dev_server/" --script

             Node Report Sun Aug 01 10:30:57 +0100

 Hostname:         Customer:     Distribution:
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------      rip           CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
                                 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor      xxxxxxx       CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
                                 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor

Writing these reports are pretty ugly I freely admit, however it avoids designing our own reporting engine and it’s pretty good for kicking out simple reports. You can see the perlform man page for details of the reporting layouts, ours is pretty close to that thanks to Formatr

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