Docs: Release Notes

Release Notes

This is a list of release notes for various releases, you should review these before upgrading as any potential problems and backward incompatible changes will be highlighted here.


2.3.1 - 2013/02/14

This is the second release in the new development series of MCollective. This release features enhancements and bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 2.2.x series.

New Features and Improvements

  • Initial work towards online help, improved logging and internationalization
  • The output from –help has been made clearer
  • The output of a failed reply in the default printrpc method has been improved

Bug Fixes

  • The vendored JSON gem was updated to version 1.5.5 due to CVE-2013-0269
  • The RPC client inadvertently lost the ability to set discovery_timeout, this has been restored
  • Plugins with underscores in their name were not packagable on Debian, we now change underscores to dashes
  • The STOMP connector will not be maintained further and has been removed
  • A config file reading race condition were fixed, we no longer attempt to use config details before parsing the config file thus always using defaults.
  • Dependencies on packaged plugins have been made more specific to ensure updates work correctly
  • When an argument to the rpc application fails to parse the command will fail instead of continue with unexpected side effects
  • Processing of –no-response was broken in 2.3.0, this has been fixed

Removed Functionality

  • The STOMP adapter has been deprecated and removed

Online Help and Internationalization

Starting in this release a number of errors and messages will start showing error codes along with the error text and we have a method for obtaining detailed information about each coded message.

An example log line can be seen here:

puppetd.rb:26 PLMC34: setting meta data in agents have been deprecated, DDL files are now being used for this information. Please update the 'puppetd.rb' agent

And an example CLI error string:

% mco rpc rpcutil get_fact

The rpc application failed to run: PLMC30: Action 'get_fact' needs a 'fact' argument

Use the 'mco doc PLMC30' command for details about this error, use -v for full error backtrace details

You can now use the mco doc PLMC30 command to get additional information about this error and any other error code you might see.

Only a small number of errors and log lines have been updated for the new system and we will soon publish web versions of these help documents too which should help when searching for resolution to common errors.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

The STOMP connector has been removed, if you are using it please move to the RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ one before upgrading. Especially if you use Debian which would avoid the package upgrading from failing

Changes since 2.3.0

Date Description Ticket
2013/02/14 Release 2.3.1 19265
2013/02/14 Initial work towards internationalization and online help 18663
2013/02/14 Update vendored JSON gem for CVE-2013-0269 19265
2013/02/13 Restore the ability to set a discovery timeout on a RPC client 19238
2013/02/12 Replace underscores in plugin names with dashes to keep Debian happy 19200
2013/02/12 Fix package building on certain Debian systems 19141
2013/02/12 Remove the stomp connector 19146
2013/02/07 Read the client config before trying to use any configuration options 19105
2013/01/22 When an argument fails to parse in the rpc application fail rather than continue with unintended consequences 18773
2013/01/22 The fix the –no-response argument to the rpc application that broke due to 18438 18513
2013/01/22 Set = dependencies on the various packages that form a plugin rather than >= 18758
2013/01/21 Improve presentation of the –help output for applications 18447
2013/01/21 When a request failed via, only show the message and not the half built data 18434


2.2.3 - 2013/02/14

This is a maintenance release to the current production version of MCollective. This release is a bug fix only release.

Bug Fixes

  • The vendored JSON gem was updated to version 1.5.5 due to CVE-2013-0269
  • The RPC client inadvertently lost the ability to set discovery_timeout, this has been restored
  • Plugins with underscores in their name were not packagable on Debian, we now change underscores to dashes
  • The STOMP adapter will not be maintained past this release series, we now issue deprecation warnigns
  • A config file reading race condition were fixed, we no longer attempt to use config details before parsing the config file thus always using defaults.
  • Dependencies on packaged plugins have been made more specific to ensure updates work correctly

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release should be 100% backwards compatible with 2.2.0, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, when upgrading from earlier releases please review the Release notes for 2.0.0.

If you packaged any plugins with a underscore in their name, future packages will have a dash instead, this might cause upgrade problems.

We are deprecating the STOMP connector, if you are using this connector please consider moving to the ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ specific ones.

Changes since 2.2.2

Date Description Ticket
2013/02/14 Release 2.2.3 19265
2013/02/14 Update vendored JSON gem for CVE-2013-0269 19265
2013/02/13 Restore the ability to set a discovery timeout on a RPC client 19238
2013/02/12 Replace underscores in plugin names with dashes to keep Debian happy 19200
2013/02/12 Fix package building on certain Debian systems 19141
2013/02/12 Deprecate the stomp connector 19146
2013/02/07 Read the client config before trying to use any configuration options 19105
2013/01/22 Set = dependencies on the various packages that form a plugin rather than >= 18758


2.0.1 - 2013/02/14

This is a maintenance release against our unsupported past production release, it brings no visible changes or bug fixes we only updated the vendored JSON gem to version 1.5.5 due to CVE-2013-0269


2.2.2 - 2013/01/17

This is a maintenance release to the current production version of MCollective. This release is a bug fix only release.

Bug Fixes

  • Add the package iteration number as dependency for common packages
  • The :any validator has been restored
  • Packaging non-agent plugins failed when providing custom paths
  • Packaging on RHEL5 systems failed due to an undefined buildroot
  • When available packages will be built using rpmbuild-md5
  • Help for data plugins with no input queries are now rendered correctly
  • The rpcutil#get_data action now supports data plugins without input queries
  • The RPM packages will now require Ruby > 1.8 to improve packaging for 1.9.x

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release should be 100% backwards compatible with 2.2.0 and 2.2.1, when upgrading from earlier releases please review the Release notes for 2.0.0.

Changes since 2.2.1

Date Description Ticket
2013/02/17 Release 2.2.2 18258
2013/01/03 Add the package iteration number as a dependency for the common packages 18273
2012/12/24 Restore the :any validator 18265
2012/12/19 Do not fail when packaging non-agent packages using custom paths 17281
2012/12/19 Require Ruby > 1.8 in the RPM specs for Ruby 1.9 17149
2012/11/08 Define a specific buildroot to support RHEL5 systems correctly 17516
2012/11/08 Use the correct rpmbuild commands on systems with rpmbuild-md5 17515
2012/10/22 Correctly show help for data plugins without any input queries 17137
2012/10/22 Allow the rpcutil#get_data action to work with data queries that takes no input 17138


2.3.0 - 2012/01/10

This is the first release in the new development series of MCollective. This release features small enhancements and bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 2.2.x series.

Enhancements and behaviour changes

  • Data queries can be written without any input queries
  • Required inputs can now supply default values in their DDLs
  • Support for Ruby 1.9 was improved in the packages
  • The generated plugin documentation has been updated to show defaults and optional items
  • Errors in agents will now log backtraces on the servers to assist with debugging
  • libdirs will now be expanded to absolute paths and using relative ones will raise an error
  • Various error and logging improvements
  • Various improvements to the plugin packager

Bug fixes

  • Packaging non-agent plugins with custom paths caused an unexpected failure
  • The plugin packager works correctly on RHEL5 now after previously using an incorrect buildroot
  • Correctly handle custom formats passed to the aggregation plugins from the DDL
  • Failure in one aggregate plugin does not impact other aggregate functions
  • The chosen timeout for agents when using direct addressing could be wrong in some cases
  • Data plugins can now return BigNum data like those found in timestamps
  • Aggregate functions support non string data
  • Boolean flags in applications can now support –noop and –no-noop style flags
  • Data results were not raising the correct exception, this was not causing problems in practice but caused the mcollective-test gem to fail

Input defaults in the DDL

You can now provide input defaults for required inputs in the DDL meaning if not supplied they will default to the supplied format.

action "get_fact", :description => "Retrieve a single fact from the fact store" do
     input :fact,
           :prompt      => "The name of the fact",
           :description => "The fact to retrieve",
           :type        => :string,
           :validation  => '^[\w\-\.]+$',
           :optional    => false,
           :maxlength   => 40,
           :default     => "operatingsystems"

The DDL file above defines a input fact that is required and sets a default value to operatingsystem.

Previously the following command would have failed stating the input is required, now it will default to the supplied value and continue without error:

$ mco rpc rpcutil get_fact

The defaults processing is done on the client side and not on the servers meaning at no point does a non compliant request get published by the clients and older MCollective servers will process these requests correctly.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release can cohabit with older versions with the only potential upgrade problem being the changes to how the libdir variable is handled.

In the past a libdir could be:

libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective:.mcollective.d

This would have the effect of looking for .mcollective.d in the current directory.

This represented a security risk and would fail on the server side when daemonizing. We now force all libdir paths to be fully qualified and raises an error at start should you have relative paths.

Changes since 2.2.1

Date Description Ticket
2012/01/10 Raise the correct exception when trying to access unknown data items in a Data results 18466
2013/01/10 Fix failing documentation generation for data plugins 18437
2013/01/09 Correctly support negative boolean flags declared as –[no]-foo 18438
2013/01/03 Add the package iteration number as a dependency for the common packages 18273
2012/12/21 The libdirs supplied in the config file now has to be absolute paths to avoid issues when daemonising 16018
2012/12/20 Logs the error and backtrace when an action fails 16414
2012/12/20 Display the values of :optional and :default in DDL generated help 16616
2012/12/20 Allow the query string for the get_data action in rpcutil to be 200 chars 18200
2012/12/19 Do not fail when packaging non-agent packages using custom paths 17281
2012/12/19 Require Ruby > 1.8 in the RPM specs for Ruby 1.9 17149
2012/12/18 Allow required inputs to specify default data in DDLs 17615
2012/11/12 When disconnecting set the connection to nil 17384
2012/11/08 Define a specific buildroot to support RHEL5 systems correctly 17516
2012/11/08 Use the correct rpmbuild commands on systems with rpmbuild-md5 17515
2012/10/22 Correctly show help for data plugins without any input queries 17137
2012/10/22 Allow the rpcutil#get_data action to work with data queries that takes no input 17138
2012/10/03 Improve text output when providing custom formats for aggregations 16735
2012/10/03 Correctly process supplied formats when displaying aggregate results 16415
2012/10/03 Prevent one failing aggregate function from impacting others 16411
2012/10/03 When validation fails indicate which input key has the problem 16617
2012/09/26 Data queries can be written without any input queries meaning they take no input 16424
2012/09/26 Use correct timeout for agent requests when using direct addressing 16569
2012/09/26 Allow BigNum data to be used in data plugin replies 16503
2012/09/26 Support non string data in the summary aggregate function 16410


2.2.1 - 2012/10/17

This is a maintenance release to the current production version of MCollective. This release is a bug fix only release.

Bug Fixes

  • Various display and stability improvements with aggregate plugins
  • Improve error messages
  • Data queries that does not take an input still had to provide a bogus query input, now not needed
  • When using direct addressing and identity filter the client timeout was incorrect
  • BigNum type data can now be used in data plugin replies

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release should be 100% backwards compatible with 2.2.0, when upgrading from earlier releases pleas reivew the Release notes for 2.0.0.

Changes since 2.1.0

Date Description Ticket
2012/10/17 Release 2.2.1 16965
2012/10/03 Improve text output when providing custom formats for aggregations 16735
2012/10/03 Correctly process supplied formats when displaying aggregate results 16415
2012/10/03 Prevent one failing aggregate function from impacting others 16411
2012/10/03 When validation fails indicate which input key has the problem 16617
2012/09/26 Data queries can be written without any input queries meaning they take no input 16424
2012/09/26 Use correct timeout for agent requests when using direct addressing 16569
2012/09/26 Allow BigNum data to be used in data plugin replies 16503
2012/09/26 Support non string data in the summary aggregate function 16410
2012/09/14 Package discovery plugins that was left out for debian 16413


2.2.0 - 2012/09/13

This is the next production release of MCollective. It brings to an end active support for versions 2.1.1 and older.

Major Enhancements

  • A new plugin type called data plugins were added making network discovery extendible by users
  • Discovery is now pluggable allowing network based, database based, file based or any other data source to be used as a source of truth
  • Automatic result summarization methods can be declared in the DDL and users can write their own
  • A RabbitMQ specific Direct Addressing capable connector was added
  • Agent DDLs must be present on the servers, input validation is done against the DDL and prior to running user code
  • DDL files can define default values for returned data - all declared data fields are pre-populated by agents
  • DDL files can store general usage information that gets rendered via the help application
  • DDL files can declare the minimum version mcollective they need to be functional and loading plugins on older mcollective versions will fail
  • New validation logic in DDL files and Agents can now be delivered using plugins
  • A thread safe caching system was added that users can use in their Agents to store information between invocations
  • Code generators to assist writing agents
  • Support deterministic random node selection
  • Display mode can be overriden on the CLI using the new –display option
  • The plugin packager will now keep source debs and rpms and has had major improvements done
  • A new application called completion was added to assist in writing shell completion systems. ZSH and Bash examples are in ext/
  • Various improvements to documentation was made especially around using the CLI tools and discovery available plugins

Bug Fixes

  • The vendored systemu gem has been updated to remove a rude error message
  • Improved error reporting in many areas
  • Boolean and numeric data is correctly parsed on the RPC application command line
  • Improved parsing of compound filters
  • Batched requests will now all have the same request id thus improving consistency of auditing information


  • Remove the traditional Client#discovered_req method
  • The metadata section in the agent is being removed as the DDL is now present everywhere

Data Plugins

A new plugin type called data plugins have been added, these plugins are usable in discovery requests and in any agent code.

You can use these plugins to expose any node side data to your client discovery command line, an example can be seen below, this will discover all nodes where /etc/syslog.conf has a md5 sum matching the regular expression /19ff4997e/:

$ mco rpc rpcutil ping -S "fstat('/etc/rsyslog.conf').md5 = /19ff4997e/"

For full information see the plugins documentation on our website. The fstat plugin seen above is included at the moment, more will be added in due course but as always users can also write their own suitable to their needs.

Custom Discovery Sources

A new type of plugin that can be used as alternative data sources for discovery data has been added. The traditional network broadcast mode is supported and remains the default but a new flat file one was added.

Custom discovery sources can be made the default for a client using the default_discovery_method configuration option but can be selected on the command line using –disc-method.

All applications now have a –nodes option that takes as an argument a flat file full of mcollective identity names, one per line.

Users can write their own discovery plugins and distribute it using the normal plugin packager. A complex example can be seen in the community plugin site for the MongoDB registration plugin.

In the event that the -S filter is used the network discovery mode will be forced so that data source plugins in discovery queries will always work as expected.

This feature requires Direct Addressing.

DDL files on the servers

The DDL files now have to be on the servers and the clients. On the servers the results will be pre-populated with default data for all defined output values of a specific action and you can now supply defaults.

Additionally input will be validated on each node prior to running the agent code providing consistent input validation on client and server. This should remove the need to add validate statements to agents.

An example for a Nagios plugin can be seen below, here we default to UNKNOWN so that even if the action fails to run we will still see valid data being returned thats appropriate for the specific use case.

action "runcommand", :description => "Run a NRPE command" do
  output :exitcode,
         :description  => "Exit Code from the Nagios plugin",
         :display_as   => "Exit Code",
         :default      => 3

Summarization Plugins

Often custom applications are written just to summarize data like the facts application or nrpe ones.

We have added a new plugin type that allows you to define summarization logic and included a few of our own. These summaries are declared in the DDL, here is a section from the new DDL for the get_fact action:

action "get_fact", :description => "Retrieve a single fact from the fact store" do
  output :value,
          :description => "The value of the fact",
          :display_as => "Value"

  summarize do
    aggregate summary(:value)

Here we are using the summarize block to say that we wish to summarize the output :value. The summary(:value) is the call to a custom plugin and you can provide your own.

Now when interacting with this action you will see summaries produced automatically:

% mco rpc rpcutil get_fact fact=operatingsystemrelease
    Fact: operatingsystemrelease
   Value: 6.2

Summary of Value:

    6.2 = 19
    6.3 = 7

Finished processing 26 / 26 hosts in 294.97 ms

The last section of the rpc output shows the summarization in action.

The NRPE plugin on GitHub shows an example of a Nagios specific aggregation function and the plugin packager supports distributing these plugins.

Validation Plugins

Users can now write their own plugins to perform input validation, these validations are usable in DDL files and agents.

Below is a snippet from a DDL file using a custom exim_msgid validation plugin:

    input :msgid,
          :prompt      => "Message ID",
          :description => "Valid message id currently in the mail queue",
          :type        => :string,
          :validation  => :exim_msgid,
          :optional    => false,
          :maxlength   => 16

And a snippet using the same plugin inside your agent:

action "retrymsg" do
  validate :msgid, :exim_msgid

  # call out to exim to retry the message

The error messages shown when validation fails are more user friendly than before, in this example the new error would be Not a valid Exim Message ID where in the past it would have been value should match ^(?:[+-]\d{4})?(?:[\d+] )?(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{2})/

Code generation

Code for agents and data sources can now be generated to assist development, you can use the plugin command to create a basic skeleton agent or data source including the DDL files.

$ mco plugin generate agent myagent actions=do_something,do_something_else

Defaults used in the metadata templates can be set in the config file:

plugin.metadata.url= <[email protected]>

All generator produced output will have these settings set, the other fields are constructed using a pattern convenient for using in your editor as a template.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

As of this version every agent on every node and client must have a DDL file. If the DDL file is not present or not valid the agent will not activate. Further input validation is done according to the content of the DDL prior to running any actions. You should therefore prepare for this upgrade by writing and deploying DDL files for all your agents.

Version 2.0.0 and 2.2.0 can co-exist on the same network. If a new client uses any of the new features added such as data plugins the older clients will simply refuse to run the request but requests using features shared between versions will continue to work.

When you first start this version of mcollectived you will see warnings logged similar to the one below:

puppetd.rb:26: setting meta data in agents have been deprecated, DDL files are now being used for this information.

This is only a warning and not a critical problem. The next major release will remove support for metadata in agents.

Upgrading from versions prior to 2.0.0 was not tested, please refer to the release notes for 2.0.0.


2.1.1 - 2012/07/12

This release features major new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 2.0.x series.

Major Enhancements

  • A new discovery source was added capable of querying agent properties
  • When doing limited discovery you can now supply a random seed for deterministic random selection
  • A get_data action has been added to the rpcutil agent to retrieve the result of a data plugin
  • RPC Agents must have DDLs on the MCollective Servers, agents will not load without them
  • Output values can now have defaults assigned in the DDL, the server will set those defaults before running an action
  • A new plugin type used to summarize sets of replies has been added. Summarization is declared in the DDL for an Agent

Bug Fixes

  • Correctly parse numeric and boolean input arguments in the RPC application


  • The old Client#discovered_req is removed along with the controller application that used it
  • Parsing compound filters were improved wrt complex regular expressions
  • Metadata sections in agents are not needed anymore and deprecation notices are logged when they are found

Summarization Plugins

Often custom applications are written just to summarize data like the facts application or nrpe ones.

We have added a new plugin type that allows you to define summarization logic and included a few of our own. These summaries are declared in the DDL, here is a section from the new DDL for the get_fact action:

action "get_fact", :description => "Retrieve a single fact from the fact store" do
  output :value,
          :description => "The value of the fact",
          :display_as => "Value"

  summarize do
    aggregate summary(:value)

Here we are using the summarize block to say that we wish to summarize the output :value. The summary(:value) is the call to a custom plugin and you can provide your own.

Now when interacting with this action you will see summaries produced automatically:

% mco rpc rpcutil get_fact fact=operatingsystemrelease
    Fact: operatingsystemrelease
   Value: 6.2

Summary of Value:

    6.2 = 19
    6.3 = 7

Finished processing 26 / 26 hosts in 294.97 ms

The last section of the rpc output shows the summarization in action.

The NRPE plugin on GitHub shows an example of a Nagios specific aggregation function and the plugin packager supports distributing these plugins.

DDL files on the servers

The DDL files now have to be on the servers and the clients. On the servers the results will be pre-populated with default data for all defined output values of a specific action and you can now supply defaults.

An example for a Nagios plugin can be seen below, here we default to UNKNOWN so that even if the action fails to run we will still see valid data being returned thats appropriate for the specific use case.

action "runcommand", :description => "Run a NRPE command" do
  output :exitcode,
         :description  => "Exit Code from the Nagios plugin",
         :display_as   => "Exit Code",
         :default      => 3

As the servers now have the DDL the metadata section at the top of agents are not needed anymore and deprecations will be logged when the mcollectived starts up warning you of this.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

As this release now requires DDL files to exist before an agent can be loaded in the server you might have to adjust your deployment strategy and possibly write some DDLs for your custom agents. The DDL files have to be on both client and servers.

The servers will now pre-populate the replies with all output defined in the DDL and supply defaults if no default is provided in the DDL it will default to nil. This might potentially change the behavior of custom applications that are designed around the approach of checking if a field is included in the results or not.

When you first start this version of mcollectived you will see warnings logged similar to the one below:

puppetd.rb:26: setting meta data in agents have been deprecated, DDL files are now being used for this information.

This is only a warning and not a critical problem. Once 2.2.0 is out we will be updating all the agents to remove metadata sections in favour of those in the DDL. You should also remove metadata from your own agents.

Changes since 2.1.0

Date Description Ticket
2012/07/11 Add a –display option to RPC clients that overrides the DDL display mode 15273
2012/07/10 Do not add a metadata to agents created with the generator as they are now deprecated 15445
2012/07/03 Correctly parse numeric and boolean data on the CLI in the rpc application 15344
2012/07/03 Fix a bug related to parsing regular expressions in compound statements 15323
2012/07/02 Update vim snippets in ext for new DDL features 15273
2012/06/29 Create a common package for agent packages containing the DDL for servers and clients 15268
2012/06/28 Improve parsing of compound filters where the first argument is a class 15271
2012/06/28 Add the ability to declare automatic result summarization in the DDL files for agents 15031
2012/06/26 Surpress subscribing to reply queues when no reply is expected 15226
2012/06/25 Batched RPC requests will now all have the same requestid 15195
2012/06/25 Record the request id on M::Client and in the RPC client stats 15194
2012/06/24 Use UUIDs for the request id rather than our own weak implementation 15191
2012/06/18 The DDL can now define defaults for outputs and the RPC replies are pre-populated 15087
2012/06/18 Remove unused agent help code 15084
2012/06/18 Remove unused code from the discovery agent related to inventory and facts 15083
2012/06/18 Nodes will now refuse to load RPC agents without DDL files 15082
2012/06/18 The Plugin Name and Type is now available to DDL objects 15076
2012/06/15 Add a get_data action to the rpcutil agent that can retrieve data from data plugins 15057
2012/06/14 Allow the random selection of nodes to be deterministic 14960
2012/06/12 Remove the Client#discovered_req method and add warnings to the documentation about its use 14777
2012/06/11 Add a discovery source capable of doing introspection on running agents 14945
2012/06/11 Only do identity filter optimisations for the mc discovery source 14942


2.1.0 - 2012/06/08

This is the first release in the new development series of MCollective. This releas features major new features and enhancements.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 2.0.x series.

Major Enhancements

  • Discovery requests can now run custom data plugins on nodes to facilitate discovery against any node-side data
  • Discovery sources are now pluggable, one supporting flat files are included in this release
  • All applications now have a –nodes option to read a text file of identities to operate on
  • A new completion application was added to assist with shell completion systems, zsh and bash tab completion plugins are in ext
  • Users can now use a generator to create skeleton agents and data sources

Changes in behavior

  • The mco controller application is being deprecated for the next major release and has now been removed from the development series
  • The mco find application is now a discovery client so it’s output mode has changed slightly but the functionality stays the same

Bug Fixes

  • Numerous small improvement to user facing errors and status outputs have been made
  • Sub collectives combined with direct addressing has been fixed
  • Various packaging issues were resolved
  • The ActiveMQ and Stomp connectors will now by default handle dual homed IPv6 and IPv4 hosts better in cases where the IPv6 target isn’t reachable

Data Plugins

A new plugin type called data plugins have been added, these plugins are usable in discovery requests and in any agent code.

You can use these plugins to expose any node side data to your client discovery command line, an example can be seen below, this will discover all nodes where /etc/syslog.conf has a md5 sum matching the regular expression /19ff4997e/:

$ mco rpc rpcutil ping -S "fstat('/etc/rsyslog.conf').md5 = /19ff4997e/"

For full information see the plugins documentation on our website. The fstat plugin seen above is included at the moment, more will be added in due course but as always users can also write their own suitable to their needs.

Custom Discovery Sources

Since the introduction of direct addressing mode in 2.0.0 you’ve been able to pragmatically specify arbitrary host lists as discovery data but this was never exposed to the user interface.

We now introduce plugins that can be used as alternative data sources and include the traditional network broadcast mode and a flat file one. The hope is that more will be added in future perhaps integrating with systems like PuppetDB. There is also one that uses the MongoDB Registration plugin to build a local node cache.

Custom discovery sources can be made the default for a client using the default_discovery_method configuration option but can be selected on the command line using –disc-method.

All applications now have a –nodes option that takes as an argument a flat file full of mcollective identity names, one per line.

Users can write their own discovery plugins and distribute it using the normal plugin packager.

In the event that the -S filter is used the network discovery mode will be forced so that data source plugins in discovery queries will always work as expected.

Code generation

Code for agents and data sources can now be generated to assist development, you can use the plugin command to create a basic skeleton agent or data source including the DDL files.

$ mco plugin generate agent myagent actions=do_something,do_something_else

Defaults used in the metadata templates can be set in the config file:

plugin.metadata.url= <[email protected]>

All generator produced output will have these settings set, the other fields are constructed using a pattern convenient for using in your editor as a template.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release can co-exist with 2.0.0 but using the new discovery data plugins in a mixed environment will result in the old nodes not being discovered and they will log exceptions in their logs. This was done by choice and ensures the safest possible upgrade path.

When the 2.0.0 collective is running with directed mode enabled a client using the new discovery plugins will be able to communicate wth the older nodes without problem.

Changes since 2.0.0

Date Description Ticket
2012/06/07 Force discovery state to be reset when changing collectives in the RPC client 14874
2012/06/07 Create code generators for agents and data plugins 14717
2012/06/07 Fix the No response from report to be correctly formatted 14868
2012/06/07 Sub collectives and direct addressing mode now works correctly 14668
2012/06/07 The discovery method is now pluggable, included is one supporting flat files 14255
2012/05/28 Add an application to assist shell completion systems with bash and zsh completion plugins 14196
2012/05/22 Improve error messages from the packager when a DDL file cannot be found 14595
2012/05/17 Add a dependency on stomp to the rubygem 14300
2012/05/17 Adjust the ActiveMQ and Stomp connect_timeout to allow IPv4 fall back to happen in dual homed hosts 14496
2012/05/16 Add a plugable data source usable in discovery and other plugins 14254
2012/05/04 Improve version dependencies and upgrade experience of debian packages 14277
2012/05/03 Add the ability for the DDL to load DDL files from any plugin type 14293
2012/05/03 Rename the MCollective::RPC::DDL to MCollective::DDL to match its larger role in all plugins 14254


2.0.0 - 2012/04/30

This is the next production release of MCollective. It brings to an end active support for versions 1.3.3 and older.

This release brings to general availability all the features added in the 1.3.x development series.

Major Enhancements

  • Complete messaging protocol rewrite to enable direct style connectivity that would allow programs to bypass normal discovery instead using their own data sources
  • An additional more robust messaging paradigm supporting a more assured addressing and delivery scheme
  • Batched mode allowing users to address machines in small groups thus avoiding thundering herd and enabling more granular changes
  • A more complete language for expressing discovery that includes and/or/not style queries across the infrastructure
  • Improved Stomp connection security using normal industry standard Certificate Authority validated TLS
  • New connector that uses ActiveMQ specific features for better performance and scalability
  • Security of the SSL and AES security plugins have been improved for tamper protection by middle men
  • A message validity period has been introduced to lower the window of message replay attacks
  • Better error handling and better logging for Stomp connections
  • JSON output from the ‘rpc’ application
  • Ability to pipe RPC requests into each other creating a chain of related RPC calls
  • Better validations, better error handling and better documentation creation from the DDL
  • Performance improvements in the CLI, more consistently formatted output of received data
  • A Ruby GEM of the client is now made available on
  • The rc script for Debian based systems have been improved to prevent duplicate daemons from running
  • Built in packager for plugins into native OS packages - RedHat and Debian supported
  • MS Windows Support

Point to Point comms

Previously MCollective could only broadcast messages and was tied to a discovery model.

The messaging layer now supports per node destinations that allows you to address a node, even if its down, doesn’t yet exist or if you cannot come up with a filter that would match a group of arbitrarily selected nodes.

When this mode is in use the user configure which machine to communicate with using either text, arrays or JSON data. It will then communicate directly to those nodes via the middleware and if any of them are down you will get the usual no responses report after DDL configured timeout, this is a smooth transparent to the end user mix in communication modes.

It is ideal for building deployers, web apps and so forth where you know exactly which nodes should be there and you’d like to influence the MCollective network addressing, perhaps from a CMDB you built yourself.

This is the start towards an assured style of delivery, you can consider it the TCP to MCollective’s UDP. Both modes of communication will be supported in the future and both will have access to all the same agents and clients.

This is feature is enabled using the direct_addressing configuration option. At present only the new ActiveMQ connector supports this at scale. The ActiveMQ connector is now the recommended standard connector combined with Apache ActiveMQ. More brokers could be supported in future.

Pluggable / Optional Discovery

If the user did mco rpc rpcutil ping -I -I mcollective will now just assume you know what she wants, it won’t do a discover to confirm those machines exist or not, it will just go and communicate with them. This is a big end user visible speed improvement. If however you did a filter like -I / mcollective cannot know which machines you want to reach and so a traditional broadcast discovery is done first.

When the direct addressing mode is enabled various behind the scenes optimizations are being done:

  • If a discovery is done and it finds you only want to address 10 or fewer nodes it will use direct mode for that request. This avoids a second needless broadcast. This is less efficient to the middleware but does not send needless messages to uninterested nodes that would then just ignore them.
  • The rpc application supports piping output from one to the next. Example of this below.
$ mco rpc package update package=foo -W customer=acme -j|mco rpc service restart service=bar

This will update a package on machines matching customer=foo and then restart the service bar on those machines.

The first request is doing traditional discovery based on the fact while the 2nd request is not doing discovery at all, it uses the JSON output enabled by -j as discovery data and then restart the service on only those machines.

These abilities are exposed in the SimpleRPC client API and you can write your own schemes, query your own databases etc


Often the speed of MCollective is a problem, you want to install a package on thousands of machines but your APT or YUM server isn’t up to the task.

You can now do batching of requests:

$ mco package update myapp --batch 10 --batch-sleep 60

This performs the update as usual but only affecting machines in groups of 10 and sleeps for a minute between.

You can also access this functionality via the API please see the docs for usage. Any existing script or application should support this functionality without any code changes.

The results, error reporting, statistics reporting and so forth all stays consistent with non batched behavior.

At any time you can interrupt the process and only the current group of machines will have been affected.

The batching requires a direct addressing capable collective as it is built using the new direct to node communications and pluggable discovery features

ActiveMQ specific connector

A new connector plugin has been added that is specific to ActiveMQ and is compatible with the new direct addressing communication system.

You will need to change your ActiveMQ configuration to support this plugin, see the documentation for this plugin and the examples in ext/activemq have also been updated for the new plugin.

Anyone who use ActiveMQ is strongly recommended to use this plugin as it uses a few ActiveMQ specific optimizations that can have a big performance enhancing effect on your collective.

Packaging Agent plugins

Distributing agents has been a problem as they are just files that have limited meta data and attached.

We now support packaging agents into rpm or deb packages, your agent must have a DDL file for this to work:

$ mco plugin package . --vendor "My Company"
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-client-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-common-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-agent-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'

The packages will have meta data like Author, Version and so forth as per your DDL file.

Users can provide their own packaging implementations for other package managers or custom layouts using the MCollective plugin system.

Full verified CA

When using the new ActiveMQ specific connector combined with Stomp version 1.2.2 or newer you can get full CA verified connection handling ensuring that only clients using signed certificates can connect to ActiveMQ.

The documentation for the ActiveMQ SSL setup now includes instructions on setting up ActiveMQ and your clients using the built in Puppet CA but any CA could be used to manage these certificates.

This feature will work best when ActiveMQ 5.6.0 is released in a few weeks since there will then be a NIO+SSL Stomp connector. The current SNAPSHOT release of ActiveMQ has this feature as well as the most recent Service Pack release of the Fuse Message Broker.

MS Windows Support

The MS Windows platform is now supported as both a client and a server. The ext/windows directory has some helpers and read me documentation that has been confirmed to work but we have not yet completed packaging ourselves so this is still a manual process.

Combined with Puppet 2.7.12 or newer the Package and Service agents can be used to manage Windows resources using the same commands as those on Linux via mcollective.

New Discovery Language

Previously dicovery was very limited, filters were simply run one after the other and you could not do anything complex like a mix of OR and AND boolean logic.

A new compact discovery language was introduced perfect for use on the command line, an example below:

$ mco find -S "((fqdn=/ or fqdn=/ or customer=acme) and apache and physicalprocessorcount>2"

The EBNF for this language can be seen below, it’s available on the command line and the API

compound = ["("] expression [")"] {["("] expression [")"]}
expression = [!|not]statement ["and"|"or"] [!|not] statement
char = A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - |* | / { A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - | * | / | }
int = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9{|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrading

This release is not compatible with older versions. Client scripts and agents written for older versions will continue to work but a network hosting both 2.0.0 clients and older one will effectively be split into 2 networks. While planning your upgrade you should plan to have machines running the client for both versions to retain full control during upgrade. The upgrade is best done in an scheduled window where all machines are updated together.

While upgrading you must ensure that the plugins that come with the release are updated at the same time as the release. Older security and connector plugins will not function with this release. This also means if you wrote your own connector or security plugin you will need to port these prior to upgrading.

Past this it should be a simple matter of updating using your operating systems package manager.

We recommend you switch to the new ActiveMQ based connector plugin away from the previous generic Stomp one as this is the primary supported method of deployment and the generic Stomp one will be deprecated in future. Additionally the Stomp connector does not support the new direct messaging communications mode.

In order to upgrade to the new ActiveMQ connector you will need to change your broker setup including ACLs, transport connectors, message policies and inter broker connections. Sample configuration files for single and multi broker setups can be found in the Git repository or the tar file in ext/activemq


1.3.3 - 2012/04/05

This is a release in the development series of MCollective. It feature major new features and bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.2.x series.

Major Enhancements

  • The MS Windows platform is now supported, packaging is still outstanding
  • Agents can now be packaged to native OS packages using the new mco plugin command
  • mco help rpc now show the help for the rpc application, mco plugin doc puppetd shows the help for the puppetd agent
  • Full CA verified Stomp is supported and documented between ActiveMQ and MCollective using Stomp > 1.2.2
  • Application exit codes have been standardized using a new halt helper function
  • A new validator that allows users to check if a supplied value is one of a fixed list
  • The syslog facility can now be set in the configuration file
  • The client libraries are now available as a Ruby Gem
  • Batch mode can now be enabled and disabled at will in an application
  • The client config files now default to console based logging at warn level

Bug Fixes

  • nil or empty results are correctly displayed by printrpc
  • Some exceptions under Ruby 1.9.3 when using run() related to nil exit code has been fixed
  • Various exceptions have been silence in inventory application, stomp plugin, rpc application and others
  • Previous SSL_read errors when using the Stomp+TLS configuration is now avoided on Ruby 1.8

Packaging Agent plugins

Distributing agents has been a problem as they are just files that have limited meta data and attached.

We now support packaging agents into rpm or deb packages, your agent must have a DDL file for this to work:

$ mco plugin package . --vendor "My Company"
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-client-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-common-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'
Successfully built RPM 'mcollective-exim_ng-agent-0.1-1.noarch.rpm'

The packages will have meta data like Author, Version and so forth as per your DDL file.

We support building all the main plugin types in this manner but need to restructure the plugins repository to support this layout.

To use this you need to install the fpm gem, you must install 0.4.3 and not a newer version, we are currently working on removing the fpm dependency as it’s proven to be too unreliable to use.

Users can provide their own packaging implementations for other package managers or custom layouts using the MCollective plugin system.

Full verified CA

When using the new ActiveMQ specific connector combined with Stomp version 1.2.2 or newer you can get full CA verified connection handling ensuring that only clients using signed certificates can connect to ActiveMQ.

The documentation for the ActiveMQ SSL setup now includes instructions on setting up ActiveMQ and your clients using the built in Puppet CA but any CA could be used to manage these certificates.

This feature will work best when ActiveMQ 5.6.0 is released in a few weeks since there will then be a NIO+SSL Stomp connector. The current SNAPSHOT release of ActiveMQ has this feature as well as the most recent Service Pack release of the Fuse Message Broker.

MS Windows Support

The MS Windows platform is now supported as both a client and a server. The ext/windows directory has some helpers and read me documentation that has been confirmed to work but we have not yet completed packaging ourselves so this is still a manual process.

Combined with Puppet 2.7.12 or newer the Package and Service agents can be used to manage Windows resources using the same commands as those on Linux via mcollective.

Backwards compatibility

This release is backwards compatible with version 1.3.2, if you are coming from an older version please review earlier release notes.

If you have been using the ActiveMQ specific plugin and its SSL settings you will now need to enable fallback mode as it will now only connect to ActiveMQ machines that present the correct CA certificate and will refuse to use anonymous certificates

plugin.activemq.pool.1.ssl.fallback = 1

Changes since 1.3.2

Date Description Ticket
2012/04/04 Use the MCollective::SSL utility class for crypto functions in the SSL security plugin 13615
2012/04/02 Support reading public keys from SSL Certificates as well as keys 13534
2012/04/02 Move the help template to the common package for both Debian and RedHat 13434
2012/03/30 Support Stomp 1.2.2 CA verified connection to ActiveMQ 10596
2012/03/27 mco help rpc now shows the help for the rpc application 13350
2012/03/22 Add a mco command that creates native OS packaging for plugins 12597
2012/03/21 Default to console based logging at warning level for clients 13285
2012/03/20 Work around SSL_read errors when using SSL or AES plugins and Stomp+SSL in Ruby < 1.9.3 13207
2012/03/16 Improve logging for SSL connections when using Stomp Gem newer than 1.2.0 13165
2012/03/14 Simplify handling of signals like TERM and INT and remove pid file on exit 13105
2012/03/13 Create a conventional place to store implemented_by scripts 13064
2012/03/09 Handle exceptions added to the Stomp 1.1 compliant versions of the Stomp gem 13020
2012/03/09 Specifically enable reliable communications while using the pool style syntax 13040
2012/03/06 Initial support for the Windows Platform 12555
2012/03/05 Application plugins can now disable any of 3 sections of the standard CLI argument parsers 12859
2012/03/05 Fix base 64 encoding and decoding of message payloads that would previous raise unexpected exceptions 12950
2012/03/02 Treat :hosts and :nodes as equivalents when supplying discovery data, be more strict about flags discover will accept 12852
2012/03/02 Allow exit() to be used everywhere in application plugins, not just in the main method 12927
2012/03/02 Allow batch mode to be enabled and disabled on demand during the life of a client 12854
2012/02/29 Show the progress bar before sending any requests to give users feedback as soon as possible rather than after first result only 12865
2012/02/23 Do not log exceptions in the RPC application when a non existing action is called with request parameters 12719
2012/02/17 Log miscellaneous Stomp errors at error level rather than debug 12705
2012/02/17 Improve subscription tracking by using the subID feature of the Stomp gem and handle duplicate exceptions 12703
2012/02/15 Improve error handling in the inventory application for non responsive nodes 12638
2012/02/14 Comply to Red Hat guideline by not setting mcollective to start by default after RPM install 9453
2012/02/14 Allow building the client libraries as a gem 9383
2012/02/13 On Red Hat like systems read /etc/sysconfig/mcollective in the init script to allow modification of the environment 7441
2012/02/13 Make the handling of symlinks to the mco script more robust to handle directories with mc- in their name 6275
2012/02/01 systemu and therefore MC::Shell can sometimes return nil exit code, the run() method now handles this better by returning -1 exit status 12082
2012/01/27 Improve handling of discovery data on STDIN to avoid failures when run without a TTY and without supplying discovery data 12084
2012/01/25 Allow the syslog facility to be configured 12109
2012/01/13 Add a RPC agent validator to ensure input is one of list of known good values 11935
2012/01/09 The printrpc helper did not correctly display empty strings in received output 11012
2012/01/09 Add a halt method to the Application framework and standardize exit codes 11280
2011/11/21 Remove unintended dependency on pp in the ActiveMQ plugin 10992
2011/11/17 Allow reply to destinations to be supplied on the command line or API 9847


1.3.2 - 2011/11/17

This is a release in the development series of MCollective. It feature major new features.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.2.x series.


  • Handling of syntax errors in Application plugins have been improved
  • The limit method can now be set per RPC Client instance
  • Optionally show response distribution in the ping application with the –graph option
  • Expose a statistic about expired messages via the rpcutil agent and show them in the inventory application.
  • Remove all the mc- scripts that has been ported to applications
  • AES and TTL security plugins prevent tampering with the TTL and Message Times
  • The RPC client can now raise an exception rather than exit on failure - ideal for use in web apps
  • Discovery during requests that has a specific limit count set have been sped up
  • Specific types for :number, :float and :integer has been aded to the DDL and the RPC application has special handling for them
  • Caller ID, Certificate Names and Identity Names can now only be word characters, full stop and dash
  • Security plugins are now quicker to ignore miss directed messages
  • The client now unsubscribes from topics it does not need anymore
  • SimpleRPC now supports performing actions in batches with a sleep between each batch
  • A direct request capable ActiveMQ specific plugin has been included
  • Message TTLs can be set globally in the config or in the API

ActiveMQ specific connector

A new connector plugin has been added that is specific to ActiveMQ and is compatible with the new direct addressing communication system.

You will need to change your ActiveMQ configuration to support this plugin, see the documentation for this plugin and the examples in ext/activemq have also been updated for the new plugin.

Anyone who use ActiveMQ is strongly recommended to use this plugin as it uses a few ActiveMQ specific optimizations that can have a big performance enhancing effect on your collective.


Often the speed of MCollective is a problem, you want to install a package on thousands of machines but your APT or YUM server isn’t up to the task.

You can now do batching of requests:

$ mco package update myapp --batch 10 --batch-sleep 60

This performs the update as usual but only affecting machines in groups of 10 and sleeps for a minute between.

You can also access this functionality via the API please see the docs for usage. Any existing script or application should support this functionality without any code changes.

The results, error reporting, statistics reporting and so forth all stays consistant with non batched behavior.

The batching requires a direct addressing capable collective.

Backwards Compatibility

As this release does a few more tweaks to the security system it might not work with older versions of MCollective.

Hopefully this will be the last release in this dev cycle to break backwards compatibility as we’re nearing the next major release.

Identities, Certificates and Caller ID names

These items have been tightened up to only match \w.-. Plugins like the registration ones might assume it is safe to just write files based on names contained in these fields so rather than expect everyone to write secure code the framework now just enforce a safe approach to these.

This means if you have cases that would violate this rule you would need to change that configuration prior to upgrading to 1.3.2

AES and SSL plugins are more secure

If you use the AES or SSL plugins you will need to plan your rollout carefully, these plugins are not capable of communicating with older versions of MCollective.

Changes since 1.3.1

Date Description Ticket
2011/11/16 Imrpove error reporting for code errors in application plugins 10883
2011/11/15 The limit method is now configurable on each RPC client as well as the config file 7772
2011/11/15 Add a –graph option to the ping application that shows response distribution 10864
2011/11/14 An ActiveMQ specific connector was added that supports direct connections 7899
2011/11/11 SimpleRPC clients now support native batching with –batch 5939
2011/11/11 The client now unsubscribes from topics when it’s idle minimising the risk of receiving missdirected messages 10670
2011/11/09 Security plugins now ignore miss directed messages early thus using fewer resources 10671
2011/10/28 Support ruby-1.9.2-p290 and ruby-1.9.3-rc1 10352
2011/10/27 callerid, certificate names, and identity names can now only have \w . and - in them 10327
2011/10/25 When discovery information is provided always accept it without requiring reset first 10265
2011/10/24 Add :number, :integer and :float to the DDL and rpc application 9902
2011/10/22 Speed up discovery when limit targets are set 10133
2011/10/22 Do not attempt to validate TTL and Message Times on replies in the SSL plugin 10226
2011/10/03 Allow the RPC client to raise an exception rather than exit on failure 9360
2011/10/03 Allow the TTL of requests to be set in the config file and the SimpleRPC API 9399
2011/09/26 Cryptographically secure the TTL and Message Time of requests when using AES and SSL plugins 9400
2011/09/20 Update default shipped configurations to provide a better out of the box experience 9452
2011/09/20 Remove deprecated mc- scripts 9402
2011/09/20 Keep track of messages that has expired and expose the stat in rpcutil and inventory application 9456


1.3.1 - 2011/09/16

This is a release in the development series of MCollective. It feature major new features and bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.2.x series.


  • Messaging has been completely reworked internally to be more generic and easier to integrate with other middleware
  • When using Stomp 1.1.9 detailed connection logs are kept showing connections, reconnections and communication errors
  • A new point to point - but still via the middleware - communications ability has been introduced
  • When point to point comms is enabled, favour this mode when small number of nodes are being addressed
  • Add -j to any SimpleRPC client. Clients using printrpc will automatically support a new JSON output format
  • A new rich discovery language was added using the -S flag
  • SimpleRPC validators can now also validate boolean data
  • The default location of classes.txt has changed to be in line with Puppet defaults.
  • A default TTL of 60 seconds are set on all messages. This is a start towards replay protection and is needed for the new point to point comms style
  • Discovery is now optional. If you supply an identity filter discovery will be bypassed. Additionally discovery can be supplied in arrays, text or JSON formats. This requires the new point to point comms model.

Bug Fixes

  • Missing DDL files on the servers are now logged at debug level to minimise noise in the logs
  • The RC scripts set RUBYLIB, remove this and rely on the operating system to be set up correctly
  • Invalid fact filters supplied on the CLI now raises an error rather than create empty filters

New Discovery Language

Previously dicovery was very limited, filters were simply run one after the other and you could not do anything complex like a mix of OR and AND boolean logic.

A new compact discovery language was introduced perfect for use on the command line, an example below:

$ mco find -S "((fqdn=/ or fqdn=/ or customer=acme) and apache and physicalprocessorcount>2"

The EBNF for this language can be seen below, it’s available on the command line and the API

compound = ["("] expression [")"] {["("] expression [")"]}
expression = [!|not]statement ["and"|"or"] [!|not] statement
char = A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - |* | / { A-Z | a-z | < | > | => | =< | _ | - | * | / | }
int = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9{|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}

Point to Point comms

Previously MCollective could only broadcast messages and was tied to a discovery model. This is in line with the initial goals of the project, having solved that we want to mix in a more traditional messaging style.

The messaging layer now supports per node destinations that allows you to address a node, even if its down, doesn’t yet exist or if you cannot come up with a filter that would match a group of arbitrarily selected nodes.

When this mode is in use you tell it using either text, arrays or JSON data which machines to communicate with it will then talk directly to those nodes via the middleware and if any of them are down you will get the usual no responses report after DDL configured timeout, this is a smooth transparent to the end user mix in communication modes.

It is ideal for building deployers, web apps and so forth where you know exactly which nodes should be there and you’d like to influence the MCollective network addressing, perhaps from a CMDB you built yourself.

This is the start towards an assured style of delivery, you can consider it the TCP to MCollective’s UDP. Both modes of communication will be supported in the future and both will have access to all the same agents clients etc.

This is feature is still maturing, you enable it using the direct_\addressing configuration option. At present the STOMP connector supports it but it is not optimized for networks larger than 20 to 30 hosts. A new connector is being developed that uses ActiveMQ features to achieve this efficiently.

Pluggable / Optional Discovery

If you did mco rpc rpcutil ping -I -I mcollective will now just assume you know what you want, it won’t do a discover to confirm those machines exist or not, it will just go and talk with them. This is a big end user visible speed improvement. If however you did a filter like -I / it cannot know which machines you want to reach and so a traditional broadcast discovery is done first.

When the direct addressing mode is enabled various behind the scenes optimizations are being done:

  • If a discovery is done and it finds you only want to address 10 or fewer nodes it will use direct mode for that request. This avoids a second needless broadcast. This is less efficient to the middleware but does not send needless messages to uninterested nodes that would then just ignore them.
  • The rpc application supports piping output from one to the next. Example of this below.
$ mco rpc package update package=foo -W customer=acme -j|mco rpc service restart service=bar

This will update a package on machines matching customer=foo and then restart the service bar on those machines.

The first request is doing traditional discovery based on the fact while the 2nd request is not doing discovery at all, it uses the JSON output enabled by -j as discovery data and then restart the service on only those machines.

These abilities are exposed in the SimpleRPC client API and you can write your own schemes, query your own databases etc

Backwards Compatibility

This is a big release and the entire messaging system has been redesigned, rewritten and has had features added. As such there might be problems running mixed 1.2.x and 1.3.1 networks, we’d ask users to test this in lab situations and provide us feedback to improve the eventual transition from 1.2.x to 1.4.x. We did though aim to maintain backward compatibility and the intention is to fix any bugs reported where a default configured 1.3.x cannot co-habit with a previous 1.2.x build.

Enabling the new direct addressing mode is a big configuration change both in your collective and the middleware as such soon as you enable it there will be compatibility issues until all your nodes are up to the same level. Specifically old nodes will just ignore your direct requests.

The default location for classes.txt has changed to /var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt you need to ensure this file exists or configure either MCollective or Puppet accordingly else your classes filters will break

Messages are now valid for only 60 seconds, nodes will ignore messages older than 60 seconds. This means your clocks have to be in sync on your entire collective. We use UTC time for the TTL check so your machines can be in different time zones. At present the 60 second threshold is hard coded, it will become configurble on a per message basis in future.

Changes since 1.3.0

Date Description Ticket
2011/09/9 Use direct messaging where possible for identity filters and make the rpc application direct aware 8466
2011/08/29 Enforce a 60 second TTL on all messages by default 8325
2011/08/29 Change the default classes.txt file to be in line with Puppet defaults 9133
2011/08/06 Add reload-agents and reload-loglevel commands to the redhat RC script 7730
2011/08/06 Avoid reloading the authorization class over and over from disk on each request 8703
2011/08/06 Add a boolean validator to SimpleRPC agents 8799
2011/08/06 Justify text results better when using printrpc 8807
2011/07/22 Add –version to the mco utility 7822
2011/07/22 Add missing meta data to the discovery agent 8497
2011/07/18 Raise an error if invalid format fact filters are supplied 8419
2011/07/14 Add a rich discovery query language 8181
2011/07/08 Do not set RUBYLIB in the RC scripts, the OS should do the right thing 8063
2011/07/07 Add a -j argument to all SimpleRPC clients that causes printrpc to produce JSON data 8280
2011/06/30 Add the ability to do point to point comms for requests affecting small numbers of hosts 7988
2011/06/21 Add support for Stomp Gem version 1.1.9 callback based logging 7960
2011/06/21 On the server side log missing DDL files at debug and not warning level 7961
2011/06/16 Add the ability for nodes to subscribe to per-node queues, off by default 7225
2011/06/12 Remove assumptions about middleware structure from the core and move it to the connector plugins 7619


1.2.1 - 2011/06/30

This is a maintenance release in the production series of MCollective and is a recommended upgrade for all users of 1.2.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Improve error handling in the inventory application
  • Fix compatablity problems with RedHat 4 init scripts
  • Allow . in Fact names
  • Allow applications to use the exit method
  • Correct parsing of the MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable

Backwards compatibility

This release should be 100% backward compatable with version 1.2.0

Changes since 1.2.0

Date Description Ticket
2011/06/02 Correct parsing of MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS in cases where no config related settings were set 7755
2011/05/23 Allow applications to use the exit method as would normally be expected 7626
2011/05/16 Allow . in fact names 7532
2011/05/16 Fix compatibility issues with RH4 init system 7448
2011/05/15 Handle failures from remote nodes better in the inventory app 7524
2011/05/06 Revert unintended changes to the Debian rc script 7420
2011/05/06 Remove the test agent that was accidentally checked in 7425


1.3.0 - 2011/06/08

This is a release in the development series of mcollective. It features major new features, some bug fixes and internal structure refactoring.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.2.x series.


  • Agents can now programatically declare if they should work on a node
  • Applications can now use the exit method as normal and clean disconnects will be done
  • The target collective for registration messages is configurable. In the past it defaulted to main_collective

Bug Fixes

  • Error reporting in applications, agents and mcolletive core has been improved
  • The RC script works better on Red Hat 4 based systems

Other Changes

  • The connector layer is being improved to make it easier to use other middleware. This release starts this process but it’s far from complete.
  • The sshkey plugin was removed from core and moved to the plugins project

Backwards Compatibility

If you were using the sshkey plugin you need to ensure your CM system is copying it out prior to this upgrade as the packages will not contain it anymore.

If you have your own connectors other than the STOMP one we supply you should wait to upgrade till 1.3.1 at which point you will need to make extensive changes to your plugins internals. If your CM is copying out the connector you have to ensure that when this version of MCollective start that the new plugin is in place.


Date Description Ticket
2011/06/07 Exceptions raised during option parsing were not handled and resulted in stack traces 7796
2011/06/06 Remove the sshkey, it’s being moved to the plugin repository 7794
2011/06/02 Correct parsing of MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS in cases where no config related settings were set 7755
2011/05/31 Disconnect from the middleware when an application calls exit 7712
2011/05/29 Validations failure in RPC agents will now raise the correct exceptions as documented 7711
2011/05/25 Make the target collective for registration messages configurable 7650
2011/05/24 Rename the connector plugins send method to publish to avoid issues ruby Object#send 7623
2011/05/23 Log a warning when the CF file parsing fails rather than raise a whole ruby exception 7627
2011/05/23 Allow applications to use the exit method as would normally be expected 7626
2011/05/22 Refactor subscribe and unsubscribe so that middleware structure is entirely contained in the connectors 7620
2011/05/21 Add the ability for agents to programatically declare if they should work on a node 7583
2011/05/20 Improve error reporting in the single application framework 7574
2011/05/16 Allow . in fact names 7532
2011/05/16 Fix compatibility issues with RH4 init system 7448
2011/05/15 Handle failures from remote nodes better in the inventory app 7524
2011/05/06 Revert unintended changes to the Debian rc script 7420
2011/05/06 Remove the test agent that was accidentally checked in 7425


1.2.0 - 2011/05/04

This is the next production release of MCollective. It brings to an end active support for versions 1.1.4 and older.

This release brings to general availability all the features added in the 1.1.x development series.


  • The concept of sub-collectives were introduced that help you partition your MCollective traffic for network isolation, traffic management and security
  • The single executable framework has been introduced replacing the old mc-* commands
  • A new AES+RSA security plugin was added that provides strong encryption, client authentication and message security
  • New fact matching operators <=, >=, <, >, !=, == and =~.
  • Actions can be written in external scripts and therefore other languages than Ruby, wrappers exist for PHP, Perl and Python
  • Plugins can now be configured using the plugins.d directory
  • A convenient and robust exec wrapper has been written to assist in calling external scripts
  • The MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS environment variable has been added that will add options to all client scripts
  • Network timeout handling has been improved to better take account of latency
  • Registration plugins can elect to skip sending of registration data by returning nil, previously nil data would be published
  • Multiple libdirs are supported
  • The logging framework is pluggable and easier to use
  • Fact plugins can now force fact cache invalidation. The YAML plugin will force a cache clear as soon as the source YAML file updates
  • The ping application now supports filters
  • Network payload can now be Base64 encoded avoiding issues with Unicode characters in older Stomp gems
  • All fact plugins are now cached and only updated every 300 seconds
  • The progress bar now resizes based on terminal dimensions
  • DDL files with missing output blocks will not invalidate the whole DDL
  • Display of DDL assisted complex data has been improved to be more readable
  • Stomp messages can have a priority header added for use with recent versions of ActiveMQ
  • Almost 300 unit tests have been written, lots of old code and any new code being written is subject to continuos testing on Ruby 1.8.5, 1.8.6 and 1.9.2
  • Improved the Red Hat RC script to be more compliant with distribution policies and to reuse the builtin functions

Deprecations and removed functionality

  • The old mc-* commands are being removed in favor for the new mco command. The old style is still available and your existing scripts will keep working but porting to the new single executable system is very easy and encouraged.
  • mc-controller could exit all mcollectived instances, this feature was not ported to the new mco controller application

Bug Fixes

  • mcollectived and all of the standard supplied client scripts now disconnects cleanly from the middleware avoiding exceptions in the ActiveMQ logs
  • Communications with the middleware has been made robust by adding a timeout while sending
  • Machines that do not pass security validation are now handled as having not responded at all
  • When a fire and forget request was sent, replies were still sent, they are now suppressed

Backwards compatibility

This release can communicate with machines running older versions of mcollective there are though a few steps to take to ensure a smooth upgrade.

Backward compatible sub-collective setup

topicprefix = /topic/mcollective

This has to change to:

topicprefix = /topic/
main_collective = mcollective
collectives = mcollective

Security Plugins

The interface for the encodereply method on the security plugins have changed if you are using any of the community plugins or wrote your own you should update them with the latest at the time you upgrade to 1.2.0

Fact Plugins

The interface to the fact plugins have been greatly simplified, this means you need to update to new plugins at the time you upgrade to 1.2.0

You can place these new plugins into the plugindir before upgrading. The old mcollective will not use these plugins and the new one will not touch the old ones. This will allow for a clean rollback.

Once the new version is deployed you will immediately have caching on all fact types at 300 seconds you can tune this using the fact_cache_time setting in the configuration file.

New fact selectors

The new fact selectors are only available on newer versions of mcollective. If a client attempts to use them and an older version of the server is on the network those older servers will treat all fact lookups as ==

Changes since 1.1.4

Date Description Ticket
2011/05/03 Improve Red Hat RC script by using distro builtin functions 7340
2011/05/01 Support setting a priority on Stomp messages 7246
2011/04/30 Handle broken and incomplete DDLs better and improve the format of DDL output 7191
2011/04/23 Encode the target agent and collective in requests 7223
2011/04/20 Make the SSL Cipher used a config option 7191
2011/04/20 Add a clear method to the PluginManager that deletes all plugins, improve test isolation 7176
2011/04/19 Abstract the creation of request and reply hashes to simplify connector plugin development 5701
2011/04/15 Improve the shellsafe validator and add a Util method to do shell escaping 7066
2011/04/14 Update Rakefile to have a mail_patches task 6874
2011/04/13 Update vendored systemu library for Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility 7067
2011/04/12 Fix failing tests on Ruby 1.9.2 7067
2011/04/11 Update the DDL documentation to reflect the mco help command 7042
2011/04/11 Document the use filters on the CLI 5917
2011/04/11 Improve handling of unknown facts in Util#has_fact? to avoid exceptions about nil#clone 6956
2011/04/11 Correctly set timeout on the discovery agent to 5 seconds as default 7045
2011/04/11 Let rpcutil#agent_inventory supply unknown for missing values in agent meta data 7044


1.1.4 - 2011/04/07

This is a release in the development series of mcollective. It features major new features and some bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.0.x series.

Actions in other languages

We have implemented the ability to write actions in languages other than Ruby. This is done via simple JSON API documented in in our docs

The ext directory on GitHub hosts wrappers for PHP, Perl and Python that makes using this interface easier.

action "test" do
    implemented_by "/some/external/script"

Special thanks to the community members who contributed the wrappers.


  • Actions can now be written in any language
  • Plugin configuration can be kept in /etc/mcollective/plugin.d
  • mco inventory now shows collective and sub-collective membership
  • mc-controller has been deprecated for mco controller
  • Agents are now ran using new instances of the classes rather than reuse the exiting one to avoid concurrency related problems

Bug Fixes

  • When mcollectived exits it now cleanly disconnects from the Middleware
  • The rpcutil agent is less strict about valid Fact names
  • The default configuration files have been updated for sub-collectives

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with version 1.1.3 for compatibility with earlier releases see the notes for 1.1.3 and the sub collective related configuration changes.


Date Description Ticket
2011/03/28 Correct loading of vendored JSON gem 6877
2011/03/28 Show collective and sub collective info in the inventory application 6872
2011/03/23 Disconnect from the middleware when mcollectived disconnects 6821
2011/03/21 Update rpcutil ddl file to be less strict about valid fact names 6764
2011/03/22 Support reading configuration from configfir/plugin.d for plugins 6623
2011/03/21 Update default configuration files for sub-collectives 6741
2011/03/16 Add the ability to implement actions using external scripts 6705
2011/03/15 Port mc-controller to the Application framework and deprecate the exit command 6637
2011/03/13 Only cache registration and discovery agents, handle the rest as new instances 6692
2011/03/08 PluginManager can now create new instances on demand for a plugin type 6622


1.1.3 - 2011/03/07

This is a release in the development series of mcollective. It features major new features and some bug fixes.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.0.x series.


  • Add the ability to partition collectives into sub-collectives for security and network traffic management
  • Add a exec wrapper for agents that provides unique environments and cwds in a thread safe manner as well as avoid zombie processes
  • Automatically pass Application options to rpcclient when options are not specifically provided
  • Rename /usr/sbin/mc to /usr/bin/mco

Bug Fixes

  • Missing libdirs will not cause crashes anymore
  • Parse MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS correctly with multiple options
  • file_logger failures are handled better
  • Improve middleware communication in unreliable settings by adding timeouts around middleware operations

Backwards Compatibility

The configuration format has changed slightly to accomodate the concept of collective names and sub-collectives.

In older releases the configuration was:

topicprefix = /topic/mcollective

This has to change to:

topicprefix = /topic/
main_collective = mcollective
collectives = mcollective

When setup as above a old and new version will be compatible but as soon as you start configuring the new sub-collective feature you will loose compatiblity between versions.

Various defaults apply, if you configure it with these exactly topic and collective names you can leave off the main_collective and collectives directives as the above settings would be their defaults


Date Description Ticket
2011/03/04 Rename /usr/sbin/mc to /usr/bin/mco 6578
2011/03/01 Wrap rpcclient in applications ensuring that options is always set 6308
2011/02/28 Make communicating with the middleware more robust by including send calls in timeouts 6505
2011/02/28 Create a wrapper to safely run shell commands avoiding zombies 6392
2011/02/19 Introduce Sub-collectives for network partitioning 5967
2011/02/19 Improve error handling when parsing arguments in the rpc application 6388
2011/02/19 Fix error logging when file_logger creation fails 6387
2011/02/17 Correctly parse MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS in the new unified binary framework 6354
2011/02/15 Allow the signing key and Debian distribution to be customized 6321
2011/02/14 Remove inadvertently included package.ddl 6313
2011/02/14 Handle missing libdirs without crashing 6306


1.0.1 - 2011/02/16

Release Focus and Notes

This is a minor bug fix release.

Bugs Fixed

  • The YAML fact plugin failed to remove deleted facts from memory
  • The - character is now allowed in Fact names for the rpcutil agent
  • Machines that fali security validations were not reported correctly, they are now treated as having not responded at all
  • Timeouts on RPC requests were too aggressive and did not allow for slow networks

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases.


Date Description Ticket
2011/02/02 Include full Apache 2 license text 6113
2011/01/29 The YAML fact plugin kept deleted facts in memory 6056
2012/01/04 Use the LSB based init script on SUSE 5762
2010/12/30 Allow - in fact names 5727
2010/12/29 Treat machines that fail security validation like ones that did not respond 5700
2010/12/25 Allow for network and fact source latency when calculating client timeout 5676
2010/12/25 Increase the rpcutil timeout to allow for slow facts 5679

1.1.2 - 2011/02/14

This is a release in the development series of mcollective. It features minor bug fixes and features.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.0.x series.

Bug Fixes

  • The main fix in this release is a packaging bug in Debian systems that prevented both client and server from being installed on the same machine.
  • Backwards compatibility fix for fact filters that are empty strings


  • Registration plugins can now return nil which will skip that specific registration message. This will enable plugins to decide based on some node state if a message should be sent or not.


Date Description Ticket
2011/02/13 Surpress replies to SimpleRPC clients who did not request results 6305
2011/02/11 Fix Debian packaging error due to the same file in multiple packages 6276
2011/02/11 The application framework will now disconnect from the middleware for consistency 6292
2011/02/11 Returning nil from a registration plugin will skip registration 6289
2011/02/11 Set loglevel to warn by default if not specified in the config file 6287
2011/02/10 Fix backward compatibility with empty fact strings 6278

1.1.1 - 2011/02/02

This is a release in the development series of mcollective. It features major new features and numerous bug fixes. Please pay careful attention to the upgrading section as there is some changes that are not backward compatible.

This release is for early adopters, production users should consider the 1.0.x series.

AES+RSA Security Plugin

A new security plugin that encrypts the payloads, uniquely identify senders and secure replies from inspection by other people on the collective has been written. The plugin can re-use Puppet certificates and supports distributing of public keys if you wish.

This plugin and its deployment is very complex and it has a visible performance impact but we felt it was a often requested feature and so decided to implement it.

Full documentation for this plugin can be found in our docs, please read them very carefully should you choose to deploy this plugin.

Single Executable Framework

In the past a lot of the CLI tools have behaved inconsistently as the mc scripts were mostly just written to serve immediate needs, we are starting a process of improving these scripts and making them more robust.

The first step is to create a new framework for CLI commands, we call these Single Executable Applications. A new executable called mc is being distributed with this release:

$ mc
The Marionette Collective version 1.1.1

/usr/sbin/mc: command (options)

Known commands: rpc filemgr inventory facts ping find help
$ mc help
The Marionette Collection version 1.1.1

  facts           Reports on usage for a specific fact
  filemgr         Generic File Manager Client
  find            Find hosts matching criteria
  help            Application list and RPC agent help
  inventory       Shows an inventory for a given node
  ping            Ping all nodes
  rpc             Generic RPC agent client application
$ mc rpc package status package=zsh
Determining the amount of hosts matching filter for 2 seconds .... 51

 * [ ============================================================> ] 51 / 51

You can see these commands behave just like their older counter parts but is more integrated and discovering available commands is much easier.

Agent help that was in the past available through mc-rpc –ah agentname is now available through mc help agentname and error reporting is short single line reports by default but by adding -v to the command line you can get full Ruby backtraces.

We’ve maintained backward compatibility by creating wrappers for all the old mc scripts but these might be deprecated in future.

These application live in the normal plugin directories and should make it much easier to distribute plugins in future.

We will port the scripts for plugins to this framework and encourage you to do the same when writing new CLI tools. An example of a ported CLI can be seen in the filemgr agent.

Find the documentation for these plugins here.

Miscellaneous Improvements

The logging system has been ra-efactored to not use a Signleton, logging messages are now simply:

MCollective::Log.notice("hello world")

A backwards compatible wrapper exist to prevent existing code from breaking.

In some cases - like when using MCollective from within Rails - the STOMP gem would fail to decode the payloads. We’ve worked with the authors and a new release was made that makes this more robust but we’ve also enabled Base64 encoding on the Stomp connector for those who can’t upgrade the Gem and who are running into this problem.

Bug Fixes

  • Machines that do not pass security checks are handled as having not responded so that these are listed in the usual stat for non responsive hosts
  • The - character is now allowed in Fact names by the DDL for rpcutil
  • Version 1.1.0 introduced a bug with reloading agents from disks using USR1 and mc-controller


  • New AES+RSA based security plugin was added
  • Create a new single executable framework and port several mc scripts
  • Security plugins have access to the callerid they are responding to
  • The logging methods have been improved by removing the use of Singletons
  • The STOMP connector can now Base64 encode all sent data to deal with en/decoding issues by the gem
  • The rpcutil agent has a new ping action
  • the mc ping client now supports standard filters
  • DDL documentation has been updated to show you can disable type validations in the DDL
  • Fact plugins can now force fact cache invalidation, the YAML plugin will immediately load new facts when mtime on the file change
  • Improve 1.0.0 compatibility for foo=/bar/ style fact matches at the expense of 1.1.0 compatibility


Upgrading should be mostly painless as most things are backward compatible.

We discovered that we broke backward compatibility with 1.0.0 and 0.4.x Fact filters. A filter in the form foo=/bar/ would be treated as an equality filter and not a regular expression.

This releases fixes this compatibility with older versions at the expense of compatibility with 1.1.0. If you are upgrading from 1.1.0 keep this in mind and plan accordingly, once you’ve upgraded a client its requests that contain these filters will not be correctly parsed on servers running 1.1.0.

The security plugins have changed slightly, if you wrote your own security plugin the interface to encodereply has changed slightly. All the bundled security plugins have been updated already and older ones will just keep working.


Date Description Ticket
2011/02/02 Load the DDL from disk once per printrpc call and not for every result 5958
2011/02/02 Include full Apache 2 license text 6113
2011/01/31 Create a new single executable application framework 5897
2011/01/30 Fix backward compatibility with old foo=/bar/ style fact searches 5985
2011/01/30 Documentation update to reflect correct default identity behavior 6073
2011/01/29 Let the YAML file force fact reloads when the files update 6057
2011/01/29 Add the ability for fact plugins to force fact invalidation 6057
2011/01/29 Document an approach to disable type validation in the DDL 6066
2011/01/19 Add basic filters to the mc-ping command 5933
2011/01/19 Add a ping action to the rpcutil agent 5937
2011/01/17 Allow MC::RPC#printrpc to print single results 5918
2011/01/16 Provide SimpleRPC style results when accessing the MC::Client results directly 5912
2011/01/11 Add an option to Base64 encode the STOMP payload 5815
2011/01/11 Fix a bug with forcing all facts to be strings 5832
2011/01/08 When using reload_agents or USR1 signal no agents would be reloaded 5808
2011/01/04 Use the LSB based init script on SUSE 5762
2011/01/04 Remove the use of a Singleton in the logging class 5749
2011/01/02 Add AES+RSA security plugin 5696
2010/12/31 Security plugins now have access to the callerid of the message they are replying to 5745
2010/12/30 Allow - in fact names 5727
2010/12/29 Treat machines that fail security validation like ones that did not respond 5700

1.1.0 - 2010/12/29

This is the first in a new development series, as such there will be rapid changes and new features. We cannot guarantee the changes will be backward compatible but we will as before try to keep these releases solid and production quality.

Production users who do not wish to have rapid change should use release 1.0.0.

This release focus mainly on getting all the community contributed code into a release and addressing some issues I had but wasn’t comfortable fixing them late in the previous development series.

Please read these notes carefully we are removing some old functionality and changing some internals, you need to carefully review the text below.

Bug Fixes

  • The progress bar will now try hard to detect screen size and adjust itself, failing back to a dumb mode if it can’t work it out.
  • rpcutil timeout was too short when considering slow facts and network latency


  • libdir can now be multiple directories specified with : separation - Thanks to Richard Clamp
  • Logging is now pluggable, 3 logger types are supported - file, syslog and console. Thanks to Nicolas Szalay for the initial Syslog code
  • A new experimental ssh agent based security system. Thanks to Jordan Sissel
  • New fact matching operators <=, >=, <, >, !=, == and =~. Thanks to Mike Pountney
  • SimpleRPC fact_filter method can now take any valid fact string as input in addition to the old format
  • A message gets logged at startup showing mcollective version and logging level
  • The fact plugin format has been changed, simplified, made thread safe and global caching added. This breaks backward compatibility with old fact sources
  • Creating options hashes has been simplified by adding a helper that creates them for you
  • Calculating the client timeout has been improved by including for latency and fact source slowness
  • Audit log lines are now on one line and include a ISO 8601 format date

Removed Functionality

  • The old MCOLLECTIVE_TIMEOUT and MCOLLECTIVE_DTIMEOUT were removed, a new MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS was added which should allow much more flexibility. Supply any command line options in this var


Upgrading should be easy the only backward incompatible change is the Facts format. If you only use the included YAML plugin the upgrade will just work if you use the packages. If you use either the facter or ohai plugins you will need to download new plugins from the community plugin page.

If you wrote your own Facts plugin you will need to change it a bit:

  • The old get_facts method should now be load_facts_from_source
  • The class for facts have to be in the form MCollective::Facts::Foo_facts and the filename should match

This is all, your facts can now be much simpler as threading and caching is handled in the base class.

You can place these new plugins into the plugindir before upgrading. The old mcollective will not use these plugins and the new one will not touch the old ones. This will allow for a clean rollback.

Once the new version is deployed you will immediately have caching on all fact types at 3000 seconds you can tune this using the fact_cache_time setting in the configuration file.


Date Description Ticket
2010/12/28 Adjust the logfile audit format to include local time and all on one line 5694
2010/12/26 Improve the SimpleRPC fact_filter helper to support new fact operators 5678
2010/12/25 Increase the rpcutil timeout to allow for slow facts 5679
2010/12/25 Allow for network and fact source latency when calculating client timeout 5676
2010/12/25 Remove MCOLLECTIVE_TIMEOUT and MCOLLECTIVE_DTIMEOUT environment vars in favor of MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS 5675
2010/12/25 Refactor the creation of the options hash so other tools don’t need to know the internal formats 5672
2010/12/21 The fact plugin format has been changed and simplified, the base now provides caching and thread safety 5083
2010/12/20 Add parameters <=, >=, <, >, !=, == and =~ to fact selection 5084
2010/12/14 Add experimental sshkey security plugin 5085
2010/12/13 Log a startup message showing version and log level 5538
2010/12/13 Add a console logger 5537
2010/12/13 Logging is now pluggable and a syslog plugin was provided 5082
2010/12/13 Allow libdir to be an array of directories for agents and ddl files 5253
2010/12/13 The progress bar will now intelligently figure out the terminal dimensions 5524

1.0.0 - 2010/12/13

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix and minor improvement release.

We will maintain the 1.0.x branch as a stable supported branch. The features currently in the branch will be frozen and we’ll only do bug fixes.

A new 1.1.x series of releases will be done where we will introduce new features. Once the 1.1.x code base reaches a mature point it will become the new stable release and so forth.

Bug Fixes

  • Settings like retry times were ignored in the Stomp connector
  • The default init script had incorrect LSB comments
  • The rpcutil DDL has better validation and will now match all facts

New Features and Enhancements

  • You can now send RPC requests to a subset of discovered nodes
  • SimpleRPC custom_request can now be used to create fire and forget requests
  • Clients can now cleanly disconnect from the middleware. Bundled clients have been updated. This should cause fewer exceptions in ActiveMQ logs
  • Rather than big exceptions many clients will now log errors only
  • mc-facts has been reworked to be a SimpleRPC client, this speeds it up significantly
  • Add get_config_item to rpcutil to retrieve a running config value from a server
  • YAML facts are now forced to be all strings and is thread safe
  • On RedHat based systems the requirement for the LSB packages has been removed

The first feature is a major new feature in SimpleRPC. If you expose a service redundantly on your network using MCollective you wouldn’t always want to send requests to all the nodes providing the service. You can now limit the requests to an arbitrary amount using the new –limit-nodes option which will also take a percentage. A shortcut -1 has been added that is the equivalent to –limit-nodes 1

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases.


Date Description Ticket
2010/12/04 Remove the LSB requirements for RedHat systems 5451
2010/11/23 Make the YAML fact source thread safe and force all facts to strings 5377
2010/11/23 Add get_config_item to rpcutil to retrieve a running config value from a server 5376
2010/11/20 Convert mc-facts into a SimpleRPC client 5371
2010/11/18 Added GPG signing to Rake packaging tasks (SIGNED=1) 5355
2010/11/17 Improve error messages from clients in the case of failure 5329
2010/11/17 Add helpers to disconnect from the middleware and update all bundled clients 5328
2010/11/16 Correct LSB provides and requires in default init script 5222
2010/11/16 Input validation on rpcutil has been improved to match all valid facts 5320
2010/11/16 Add the ability to limit the results to a subset of hosts 5306
2010/11/15 Add fire and forget mode to SimpleRPC custom_request 5305
2010/11/09 General connection settings to the Stomp connector was ignored 5245

0.4.10 - 2010/10/18

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix and minor improvement release.

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple RPC proxy classes in the same script would not all share the same command line options
  • Ruby 1.9.x compatibility has been improved
  • A major bug in registration has been fixed, any exception in the registration logic would have resulted in a high CPU consuming loop

The last bug is a major issue it will result in the mcollectived consuming lots of CPU, updating to this version of MCollective is strongly suggested. Should you run into this problem on a large scale you can use mc-controller exit to exit all your mcollectived processes at the same time.

New Features and Enhancements

  • The PSK security plugin can now be configured to set the callerid to a few different values useful for cases where you want to do group based RPC Authorization for example.
  • Info logging has been minimised by demoting the ‘not targeted at us’ message to debug
  • Document the ‘exit’ option to mc-controller

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases.


Date Description Ticket
2010/10/18 Document exit command to mc-controller 152
2010/10/13 Log messages that don’t pass the filters at debug level 149
2010/10/03 Preserve options in cases where RPC::Client instances exist in the same program 148
2010/09/30 Add the ability to set different types of callerid in the PSK plugin 145
2010/09/30 Improve Ruby 1.9.x compatibility 142
2010/09/29 Improve error handling in registration to avoid high CPU usage loops 143

0.4.9 - 2010/09/21

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix and minor improvement release.

Bug Fixes

  • Internal data structure related to Agent meta data has been fixed, no user impact from this
  • When using per-user config files the rpc-help.erb template could not be found
  • The log files will now rotate by default keeping 5 x 2MB files
  • The config were parsed multiple times in complex scripts, this has been eliminated
  • MCollective::RPC loaded a bunch of unneeded stuff into Object, this has been cleaned up
  • Various packaging related tweaks were done

New Features

  • We ship a new agent called rpcutil with the base system, you can use this agent to get inventory etc from your mcollectived. mc-inventory has been rewritten to use this agent and should serve as a good reference for what you can get from the agent.
  • The DDL now support :boolean style inputs, mc-rpc also turn true/false on the command line into booleans when needed

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases.


Date Description Ticket
2010/09/20 Improve Debian packaging task 140
2010/09/20 Add :boolean type support to the DDL 138
2010/09/19 Refactor MCollective::RPC to add less unneeded stuff to Object 137
2010/09/18 Prevent duplicate config loading with multiple clients active 136
2010/09/18 Rotate the log file by default, keeping 5 x 2MB files 135
2010/09/18 Write a overview document detailing security of the collective 131
2010/09/18 Add MCollective.version, set it during packaging and include it in the rpcutil agent 134
2010/09/13 mc-inventory now use SimpleRPC and the rpcutil agent and display server stats 133
2010/09/13 Make the path to the rpc-help.erb configurable and set sane default 130
2010/09/13 Make the configfile used available in the Config class and add to rpcutil 132
2010/09/12 Rework internal statistics and add a rpcutil agent 129
2010/09/12 Fix internal memory structures related to agent meta data 128
2010/08/24 Update the OpenBSD port for changes in 0.4.8 tarball 125
2010/08/23 Fix indention/block error in M:R:Stats 124
2010/08/23 Fix permissions in the RPM for files in /etc 123
2010/08/23 Fix language in two error messages 122

0.4.8 - 2010/08/20

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix and minor improvement release.

Bug Fixes

  • The RPM packages now require redhat-lsb since our RC scripts need it
  • The rake tasks do not attempt to build rpms on all platforms
  • Some plugin missing related exceptions are now handled gracefully
  • The Rakefile had a few warnings cleaned up

Notable New Features

  • Users can now have a ~/.mcollective file which will be preferred over over /etc/mcollective/client.cfg if it exists. You can still use –config to override.

  • The SSL Security plugin can now use “either YAML or Marshal for serialization”:/reference/plugins/security_ssl.html#serialization_method, this means other programming languages can be used as clients. A sample Perl client is included in the ext directory. Marshal remains the default for backwards compatibility

  • mc-inventory can now be used to create “custom reports using a small reporting DSL”:/reference/ui/nodereports.html, this enable you to build custom reports listing all your machines and gives you access to facts, agents and classes lists.

  • The log level for the mcollectived can be adjusted during run time using the USR2 unix process signal.

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases. If you choose to use YAML in the SSL plugin you need matching versions on the client.


Date Description Ticket
2010/08/19 Fix missing help template in debian packages 90
2010/08/18 Clean up some hardlink warnings in the Rakefile 117
2010/08/18 Include the website in the main repo and add a simple Rake task 118
2010/08/17 Handle exceptions for missing plugins better 115
2010/08/17 Add support for ~/.mcollective as a config file 114
2010/08/07 SSL security plugin can use either YAML or Marshal 94
2010/08/06 Multiple YAML files can now be used as fact source 112
2010/08/06 Allow log level to be adjusted at run time with USR2 113
2010/07/31 Add basic report scripting support to mc-inventory 111
2010/07/06 Removed ‘rpm’ from the default rake task 109
2010/07/06 Add redhat-lsb to the server RPM dependencies 108

0.4.7 - 2010/06/29

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix and incremental improvement release focusing on small improvements in the DDL mostly.

Data Definition Language

We’ve extended the use of the DDL in the RPC client. We’ve integrated the DDL into printrpc helper. The output is dynamic showing field names in human readable format rather than hash dumps.

We’re also using color to improve the display of the results, the color display can be disabled with the new color configuration option.

A “screencast of the DDL integration”: and color usage has been recorded.

Bug Fixes

A serious issue has been fixed with regard to complex agents. If you attempted to use multiple agents from the same script errors such as duplicate discovery results or simply not working.

The default fact source has been changed to YAML, it was inadvertently set to Facter in the past.

Some previously unhandled exceptions are now being handled correctly and passed onto the clients as failed requests rather than no responses at all.

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases. The change to YAML fact source by default might impact you if you did not previously specify a fact source in the configuration files.


Date Description Ticket
2010/06/27 Change default factsource to YAML 106
2010/06/27 Added VIM snippets to create DDLs and Agents 102
2010/06/26 DDL based help now works better with Symbols in in/output 105
2010/06/23 Whitespace at the end of config lines are now stripped 100
2010/06/22 printrpc will now inject some colors into results 99
2010/06/22 Recover from syntax and other errors in agents 98
2010/06/17 The agent a MC::RPC::Client is working on is now available 97
2010/06/17 Integrate the DDL with data display helpers like printrpc 92
2010/06/15 Avoid duplicate topic subscribes in complex clients 95
2010/06/15 Catch some unhandled exceptions in RPC Agents 96
2010/06/15 Fix missing help template file from RPM 90

0.4.6 - 2010/06/14

Release Focus and Notes

This release is a major feature release.

We’re focusing mainly on the Stomp connector and on the SimpleRPC agents in this release though a few smaller additions were made.

Stomp Connector

We’ve historically been stuck just using RubyGem Stomp 1.1 due to multi threading bugs in the newer releases. All attempts to contact the authors failed. Recently though I had some luck and these issues are resolved in the RubyGem Stomp 1.1.6 release.

This means we can take advantage of a lot of new features such as connection pooling for failover/ha and also SSL TLS between nodes and ActiveMQ server.

See “Stomp Connector”:/reference/plugins/connector_stomp.html for details.

RPC Agent Data Description Language

I’ve been working since around February on building introspection, automatically generated documentation and the ability for user interfaces to be auto generated for agents, even ones you write your self.

This feature is documented in “DDL”:/simplerpc/ddl.html but a quick example of a DDL document might help make it clear:

CLI Utilities changes

  • mc-facts now take all the standard filters so you can make reports for just subsets of machines
  • A new utility mc-inventory has been added, it will show agents, facts and classes for a node
  • mc-rpc has a new option –agent-help that will use the DDL and display auto generated documentation for an agent.
  • mc-facts output is sorted for better readability

Backwards Compatibility

This release will be backward compatible with older releases, the new Stomp features though require the newer Ruby Gem.


Date Description Ticket
2010/06/12 Qualify the Process class to avoid clashes in the discovery agent 88
2010/06/12 Add mc-inventory which shows agents, classes and facts for a node 87
2010/06/11 mc-facts now supports standard filters 86
2010/06/11 Add connection pool retry options and SSL for connection 85
2010/06/11 Add support for specifying multiple stomp hosts for failover 84
2010/06/10 Tighten up handling of filters to avoid nil’s getting into them 83
2010/06/09 Sort the mc-facts output to be more readable 82
2010/06/08 Fix deprecation warnings in newer Stomp gems 81

0.4.5 - 2010/06/03

Release Focus and Notes

This release is a major feature release.

The focus of this release is to finish up some of the more enterprise like features, we now have fine grained Authorization and Authentication and a new security model that uses SSL keys.

Security Plugin

Vladimir Vuksan contributed the base code of a new “SSL based security plugin”:/reference/plugins/security_ssl.html . This plugin builds on the old PSK plugin but gives each client a unique certificate pair. The nodes all share a certificate and only store client public keys. This means that should one node be compromised it cannot be used to control the rest of the network.

Authorization Plugin

We’ve developed new hooks and plugins for SimpleRPC that enable you to write “fine grained authorization systems”:/simplerpc/authorization.html . You can do authorization on every aspect of the request and you’ll have access to the caller userid as provided by the security plugin. Combined with the above SSL plugin this can be used to build powerful and secure Authentication and Authorization systems.

A sample plugin can be found “here”:

Enhancements for Web Development

Web apps doesn’t tie in well with our discover, request, wait model. We’ve made it easier for web apps to maintain their own cached discovery data using the “Registration:/reference/plugins/registration.html system and then based on that do requests that would not require any discovery.

Fire and Forget requests

It is often desirable to just send a request and not wait for any reply. We’ve made it easy to do requests like this] with the addition of a new request parameter on the SimpleRPC client class.

Requests like this will not take any time to do discovery and you will not be able to get results back from the agents.

Reloading Agents

To make it a bit easier to manage daemons and agents you can now send the mcollectived a USR1 signal and it will re-read all it’s agents from disk.

Backwards Compatibility

This release when used with the old style PSK plugin should be perfectly backward compatible with your existing agents. To use some of the newer features like authorization will require config and/or agent changes.


Date Description Ticket
2010/06/01 Improve the main discovery agent by adding facts and classes to its inventory action 79
2010/05/30 Add various helpers to get reports as text instead of printing them 43
2010/05/30 Add a custom_request method to call SimpleRPC agents with your own discovery 75
2010/05/30 Refactor RPC::Client to be more generic and easier to maintain 75
2010/05/29 Fix a small scoping issue in Security::Base 76
2010/05/25 Add option –no-progress to disable progress bar for SimpleRPC 74
2010/05/23 Add some missing dependencies to the RPMs 72
2010/05/22 Add an option :process_results to the client 71
2010/05/13 Fix help output that still shows old branding 70
2010/04/27 The supplied generic stompclient now accepts STOMP_PORT in the environment 68
2010/04/26 Add a SimpleRPC Client helper to reset filters 64
2010/04/26 Listen for signal USR1 and reload all agents from disk 65
2010/04/12 Add SimpleRPC Authorization support 63

0.4.4 - 2010/04/03

Release Focus and Notes

This release is mostly a bug fix release.

We’ve cleaned up the logs a bit so you’ll see fewer exceptions logged, also if you have Rails + Puppet on a node the logs will stay in the standard format. We are handling some exceptions better which has improved stability of the registration system.

If you do some slow queries in your discovery agent you can bump the timeout up in the config using plugin.discovery.timeout.

All the scripts now use /usr/bin/env ruby rather than hardcoded paths to deal better with Ruby’s in weird places.

Several other small annoyances was fixed or improved.


We’ve always had a tool that let you control a network of mcollective instances remotely, it lagged behind a bit with the core, we’ve fixed it up and documented it “here”:/reference/basic/daemon.html . You can use it to reload agents from disk without restarting the daemon for example or get stats or shut down the entire mcollective network.

Backwards Compatibility

No changes that impacts backward compatibility has been made.


Date Description Ticket
2010/03/27 Make it easier to construct SimpleRPC requests to use with the standard client library 60
2010/03/27 Manipulating the filters via the helper methods will force rediscovery 59
2010/03/23 Prevent Activesupport when brought in by Facter from breaking our logs 57
2010/03/23 Clean up logging for messages not targeted at us 56
2010/03/19 Add exception handling to the registration base class 55
2010/03/03 Use /usr/bin/env ruby instead of hardcoded paths 54
2010/02/17 Improve mc-controller and document it 46
2010/02/08 Remove some close coupling with Stomp to easy creating of other connectors 49
2010/02/01 Made the discovery agent timeout configurable using plugin.discovery.timeout 48
2010/01/25 mc-controller now correctly loads/reloads agents. 45
2010/01/25 Building packages has been improved to ensure rdocs are always included 44

0.4.3 - 2010/01/24

Release Focus and Notes

This release fixes a few bugs and introduce a major new SimpleRPC feature for auditing requests.


We’ve created an “auditing framework for SimpleRPC”:/simplerpc/auditing.html, each request gets passed to an audit plugin for processing. We ship one that simply logs to a file on each node and there’s a “community plugin”: that logs everything on a central logging host.

In future we might add auditing to the client libraries so requests will be logged where they are sent as well as auditing of replies being sent, this will be driven by requests from the community though.

New fail! method for SimpleRPC

Till now while writing agents you can use the fail method to set statuses in the reply, this however did not also raise exceptions and terminate execution of the agent immediately.

Often the existing behavior is required but it did lead to some awkward code when you did want to just exit the agent immediately as well as set a fail status. We’ve added a fail! method that works just like fail except it stops execution of your agent immediately.

Backwards Compatibility

No changes that impacts backward compatibility has been made.


Date Description Ticket
2010/01/23 Handle ctrl-c during discovery without showing exceptions to users 34
2010/01/21 Force all facts in the YAML fact source to be strings 41
2010/01/19 Add SimpleRPCAuditing audit logging to SimpleRPC clients and Agents  
2010/01/18 The SRPM we provide will now build outside of the Rake environment 40
2010/01/18 Add a fail! method to RPC::Agent 37
2010/01/18 mc-rpc can now be used without supplying arguments 38
2010/01/18 Don’t raise an error if no user/pass is given to the stomp connector, try unauthenticated mode 35
2010/01/17 Improve error message when Regex validation failed on SimpleRPC input 36

0.4.2 - 2010/01/14

Release Focus and Notes

This release fixes a few bugs, add some command line improvements and brings major changes to the Debian packaging.


Firstly we’ve had some amazing work done by Riccardo Setti to make us Debian packages that complies with Debian and Ubuntu policy, this release use these new packages. It has some unfortunate changes to file layout detailed below but overall I think it’s a big win to get us in line with Distribution policies and standards.

The only major change is that in the past we used /usr/libexec/mcollective as the libdir, but Debian does not have this directory and it is not in the LFHS anymore so we now use /usr/share/mcollective/plugins as the lib dir. You need to move your plugins there and update both client and server configs.

The RedHat packages will move to this convention too in the next release since I think it’s the better location and complies with LFHS.

Command Line Improvements

We’ve streamlined the command line a bit, nothings changed we’ve just added some flags.

The –with-class, –with-fact, –with-agent and –with-identity now all have a short form -C, -F, -A and -I respectively.

We’ve added a new filter option –with and a short form -W that combines –with-class and –with-fact into one filter type, use case would be:

  % mc-find-hosts -W "/centreon/ country=de roles::dev_server/"

This would find hosts with class regex matched /centreon/, class roles::dev_server and fact matching country=de. Hopefully this saves on some typing.

You can also now set the environment variables MCOLLECTIVE_TIMEOUT and MCOLLECTIVE_DTIMEOUT which saves you from typing –timeout and –discovery-timeout often, especially useful on very fast networks.

Other fixes and improvements

  • We’ve added the COPYING file to all the packages
  • We’ve made the init script more LSB compliant
  • A bug related to discovery in SimpleRPC was fixed

Backwards Compatibility

The only backwards issue is the Debian packages. They’ve been tested to upgrade cleanly but you need to change the config as above.


Date Description Ticket
2010/01/13 New packaging for Debian provided by Riccardo Setti 29
2010/01/07 Improved LSB compliance of the init script - thanks Riccardo Setti 32
2010/01/07 Multiple calls to SimpleRPC client would reset discovered hosts 31
2010/01/04 Timeouts can now be changed with MCOLLECTIVE_TIMEOUT and MCOLLECTIVE_DTIMEOUT environment vars 25
2010/01/04 Specify class and fact filters easier with the new -W or –with option 27
2010/01/04 Added COPYING file to RPMs and tarball 28
2010/01/04 Make shorter filter options -C, -I, -A and -F 26

0.4.1 - 2010/01/02

Release Focus and Notes

This is a bug fix release to address some shortcomings and issues found in Simple RPC.

The main issue is around handling of meta data in agents, the documented approach did not work, we’ve now solved this by adding a number of hooks into the processing of Simple RPC agents.

We’ve also made logging and config retrieval a bit easier in agents - and documented this.

You can now call the mc-rpc command a bit easier:

  % mc-rpc --agent helloworld --action echo --argument msg="hello world"
  % mc-rpc helloworld echo msg="hello world"

The 2 calls are the same, you can pass as many arguments in key=val pairs as needed at the end.

Backwards Compatibility

No issues with backward compatibility, should be a simple upgrade.


Date Description Ticket
2010/01/02 Added hooks to plug into the processing of requests, also enabled setting meta data and timeouts 14
2010/01/02 Created readers for @config and @logger in the SimpleRPC agent 23
2009/12/30 Don’t send out any requests if no nodes were discovered 17
2009/12/30 Added :discovered and :discovered_nodes to client stats 20
2009/12/30 Add a empty_filter? helper to the RPC mixin 18
2009/12/30 Fix formatting bug with progress bar 21
2009/12/29 Simplify mc-rpc command line 16
2009/12/29 Fix layout issue when printing hosts that did not respond 15

0.4.0 - 2009/12/29

Release Focus and Notes

This release introduced a major new feature - Simple RPC - a framework for easily building clients and agents. More than that it’s a set of conventions and standards that will help us build generic clients like web based ones capable of talking to all agents.

We think this feature is ready for wide use, it’s well documented and we’ve done extensive testing. We’ll be porting some of our own code over to it once this release is out and we do anticipate there might be some 0.4.x releases to round off a few issues that might remain. We do not currently have any open tickets against Simple RPC.

We’ve also added the ability to create more complex queries such as:

--with-class /dev_server/ --with-class /rails/

This does an AND operation on the puppet classes on the node and finds only nodes with both /dev_server/ AND /rails/ classes. This new functionality applies to all types of filter.

We’ve made the –with-class filters more generic in comments, documentation etc with an eye to be more usable in Chef and other Configuration Management environments.

Backwards Compatibility

Unfortunately introducing the new filtering methods has some backward compatibility issues, if you had clients/agents with code like:

   options[:filter]["agent"] = "some agent"

You should now change that to:

   options[:filter]["agent"] << "some agent"

As each filter is an array now. If you do not change the code it will still work as before but you will not be able to use the compound filtering feature on filter types that you’ve forced to be a string and there might be some other undesired side effects. We’ve tried though to at least not break old code, they just can’t use the new features.

You were also able to test easily in the past if you’re running unfiltered using something like:

   if options[:filter] == {}

Now that’s much harder and we’ve added a helper to make this easier:

   if MCollective::Util.empty_filter?(options[:filter])

This new method is compatible with both the old and new filter method so you can start using it before you finish the first issue mentioned here.

We’ve also made the class filter more generic, in the past you did class filters like this:

   options[:filter]["puppet_class"] << /apache/

Now you have to adjust it to:

   options[:filter]["cf_class"] << /apache/

Old code will keep working but you should change to this name for filters to be consistent with the rest of the code base.


Date Description Ticket
2009/12/28 Add support for other configuration management systems like chef in the –with-class filters 13
2009/12/28 Add a Util.empty_filter? to test for an empty filter  
2009/12/27 Create a new client framework SimpleRPCIntroduction 6
2009/12/27 Add support for multiple filters of the same type 3

0.3.0 - 2009/12/17

Release Focus and Notes

Primarily a bug fix release. Only new feature is to allow the user to create MCollective::Util::* classes and put those in the plugins directory. This is useful for more complex agents and clients.

Backwards Compatibility

This release should not break any older code, if it does it’s a bug.


Date Description Ticket
2009/12/16 Improvements for newer versions of Ruby where TERM signal was not handled 7
2009/12/07 MCollective::Util is now a module and plugins can drop in util classes in the plugin dir  
2009/12/07 The Rakefile now works with rake provided on Debian 4 systems 2
2009/12/07 Improvements in the RC script for Debian and older Ubuntu systems 5

0.2.0 - 2009/12/02

Release Focus and Notes

First numbered release

Backwards Compatibility




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