Docs: Language: Run Stages

Language: Run Stages

Run stages are an additional way to order resources. They allow groups of classes to run before or after nearly everything else, without having to explicitly create relationships with every other class. Run stages were added in Puppet 2.6.0.

Run stages have several major limitations; you should understand these before attempting to use them.

The run stage feature has two parts:

  • A stage resource type.
  • A stage metaparameter, which assigns a class to a named run stage.

The Default main Stage

By default there is only one stage (named “main”). All resources are automatically associated with this stage unless explicitly assigned to a different one. If you do not use run stages, every resource is in the main stage.

Custom Stages

Additional stages are declared as normal resources. Each additional stage must have an order relationship with another stage, such as Stage['main']. As with normal resources, these relationships can be specified with metaparameters or with chaining arrows.

    stage { 'first': 
      before => Stage['main'],
    stage { 'last': }
    Stage['main'] -> Stage['last']

In the above example, all classes assigned to the first stage will be applied before the classes associated with the main stage and both stages will be applied before the last stage.

Assigning Classes to Stages

Once stages have been declared, a class may be assigned to a custom stage with the stage metaparameter.

    class { 'apt-keys':
      stage => first,

The above example will ensure that the apt-keys class happens before all other classes, which can be useful if most of your package resources rely on those keys.

In order to assign a class to a stage, you must use the resource-like class declaration syntax. You cannot assign classes to stages with the include function.

Limitations and Known Issues

  • You cannot assign a class to a run stage when declaring it with include.
  • You cannot subscribe to or notify resources across a stage boundary.
  • Due to the “anchor pattern issue” with containment, classes that declare other classes will behave badly if declared with a run stage. (The second-order classes will “float off” into the main stage, and since the first-order class likely depended on their resources, this will likely cause failures.)

Due to these limitations, stages should only be used with the simplest of classes, and only when absolutely necessary. Mass dependencies like package repositories are effectively the only valid use case.

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