Docs: PuppetDB 0.9 » Spec » Catalog Wire Format

PuppetDB 0.9 » Spec » Catalog Wire Format

PuppetDB receives a new, specifically modified catalog wire format from puppet masters.

Previous Wire Format Shortcomings

There are a number of issues with the built-in JSON wire format used in Puppet prior to PuppetDB:

  1. The format isn’t actually JSON, it’s PSON. This means a catalog may contain non-UTF-8 data. This can present problems for conforming JSON parsers that expect Unicode.

  2. Dependency edges aren’t represented as first-class entities in the wire format. Instead, dependencies have to be parsed out of resource attributes.

  3. Containment edges can point to resources that aren’t in the catalog’s list of resources. Examples of this include things like Stage[main], or other special classes.

  4. There are no (good) provisions for binary data, which can show up in a catalog via use of generate, among other functions

  5. Resources can refer to other resources in several ways: by proper name, by alias, by using a type-specific namevar (such as $path for the file type). None of this is normalized in any way, and consumers of the wire format have to sift through all of this. And for the case of type-specific namevars, it may be impossible for a consumer to reconcile (because the consumer may not have access to puppet source code)

In general, for communication between master and agent, it’s useful to have the wire format as stripped-down as possible. But for other consumers, the catalog needs to be precise in its semantics. Otherwise, consumers just end up (poorly) re-coding the catalog-manipulation logic from puppet proper. Hence the need for a wire format that allows consuming code (which may not even originate from puppet) can handle this data.

New Catalog Interchange format

A catalog is serialized as JSON (which implies UTF-8 encoding). Unless otherwise noted, null is not allowed anywhere in the catalog.

{"metadata": {
    "type": "catalog",
    "version": 1
 "data": {
    "name": <string>,
    "version": <string>,
        [<string>, <string>, ...],
        [<string>, <string>, ...],
        [<edge>, <edge>, ...],
        [<resource>, <resources>, ...]

All keys are mandatory, although values that are lists may be empty lists.

"name" is the certname the catalog is associated with.

"version" is an arbitrary tag that uniquely identifies this catalog across time for a single node.


The entire catalog is expected to be valid JSON, which requires strict UTF-8 encoding.

Data type: <string>

A JSON string. Because the catalog is UTF-8, these must also be UTF-8.

Data type: <integer>

A JSON int.

Data type: <boolean>

A JSON boolean.

Data type: <edge>

A JSON Object of the following form:

{"source": <resource-spec>,
 "target": <resource-spec>,
 "relationship": <relationship>}

All keys for edge are required.

Data type: <resource-spec>

Synonym: <resource-hash>. A JSON Object of the following form:

{"type": <string>,
 "title": <string>}

For every resource-spec listed in the catalog, there must be a corresponding resource in the “resources” list with matching type and title attributes. Among other things, this means that edges refer to resources by their resource-spec, and not by an alias or implicit namevar.

Data type: <relationship>

One of the following strings:

  • contains
  • required-by
  • notifies
  • before
  • subscription-of

This mirrors Puppet’s -> construct in terms of defining the source and the target of an edge.

Data type: <resource>

{"type": <string>,
 "title": <string>,
 "aliases": [<string>, <string>, ...],
 "exported": <boolean>,
 "file": <string>,
 "line": <string>,
 "tags": [<string>, <string>, ...],
 "parameters": {<string>: JSON Object,
                <string>: JSON Object,

All keys for resource are required.

The "aliases" list must include all aliases for a resource beyond the title itself. This includes names in explicit "alias" parameters, or implied namevars of the type itself.

Differences from Current Wire Format

  1. The format is fully documented here.

  2. Information that previously had to be deduced by the puppetmaster is now codified inside of the wire format. All possible aliases for a resource are listed as attributes of that resource. The list of edges now contains edges of all types, not just containment edges. And that list of edges is normalized to refer to the Type and Title of a resource, as opposed to referring to it by any of its aliases.

  3. The new format is explicitly versioned. This format is version 1.0.0, unambiguously.

4., Catalogs will be explictly transformed into this format. Currently, the behavior of #to_pson is simply expected to “Do The Right Thing” in terms of serialization.

Future Development Goals

  1. Binary data support is yet to be developed.
  2. The use of a more compact, binary representation of the wire format may be considered. For example, using something like MessagePack, BSON, Thrift, or Protocol Buffers.

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