Docs: PuppetDB 1.1 » API » v1 » Querying Resources

PuppetDB 1.1 » API » v1 » Querying Resources

Resources are queried via an HTTP request to the /resources REST endpoint.

Query format

Queries for resources must conform to the following format:

  • A GET is used.
  • There is a single parameter, query.
  • There is an Accept header containing application/json.
  • The query parameter is a JSON array of query predicates, in prefix form, conforming to the format described below.

The query parameter adheres to the following grammar:

query: [ {type} {query}+ ] | [ {match} {field} {value} ]
field:  string | [ string+ ]
value:  string
type:   "or" | "and" | "not"
match:  "="

field strings may be any of the following:

a case-insensitive tag on the resource
["node", "name"]
the name of the node associated with the resource
["node", "active"]
true if the node has not been deactivated, false if it has
["parameter", "<parameter name>"]
a parameter of the resource
the resource type
the resource title
whether or not the resource is exported
the manifest file where the resource was declared
the line of the manifest in which the resource was declared

For example, the JSON query structure for file resources, tagged “magical”, and present on any active host except for “example.local” would be:

["and", ["not", ["=", ["node", "name"], "example.local"]],
        ["=", ["node", "active"], true],
        ["=", "type", "File"],
        ["=", "tag",  "magical"],
        ["=", ["parameter", "ensure"], "enabled"]]

The following conditionals for type behaviors are defined:

If any condition is true, the result is true.
If all conditions are true, the result is true.
If none of the conditions are true, the result is true.

The following match operator behaviors are defined:

Exact string equality of the field and the value.

Response format

An array of zero or more resource objects, with each object in the following form:

{"certname":   "the certname of the associated host",
 "resource":   "the resource's unique hash",
 "type":       "File",
 "title":      "/etc/hosts",
 "exported":   "true",
 "tags":       ["foo", "bar"],
 "sourcefile": "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp",
 "sourceline": "1",
 "parameters": {<parameter>: <value>,
                <parameter>: <value>,


Using curl from localhost:

Retrieving the resource File['/etc/ipsec.conf']:

curl -G -H "Accept: application/json" 'http://localhost:8080/resources' --data-urlencode 'query=["and", ["=", "type", "File"], ["=", "title", "/etc/ipsec.conf"]]'

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