Docs: PuppetDB 1.2 » API » v2 » Querying Fact Names

PuppetDB 1.2 » API » v2 » Querying Fact Names

The /fact-names endpoint can be used to retrieve all known fact names.


GET /fact-names

This will return an alphabetical list of all known fact names, including those which are known only for deactivated nodes.


Using curl from localhost:

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8080/v2/fact-names

["kernel", "operatingsystem", "osfamily", "uptime"]


All requests must accept application/json.

Response Format

The response will be in application/json, and will contain an alphabetical JSON array containing fact names. Each fact name will appear only once, regardless of how many nodes have that fact.

[<fact>, <fact>, ..., <fact>, <fact>]

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