Docs: PuppetDB 1.2 » Migrating Data

PuppetDB 1.2 » Migrating Data

Migrating from ActiveRecord storeconfigs

If you’re using exported resources with ActiveRecord storeconfigs, you may want to migrate your existing data to PuppetDB before connecting the master to it. This will ensure that whatever resources were being collected by the agents will still be collected, and no incorrect configuration will be applied.

The existing ActiveRecord data can be exported using the puppet storeconfigs export command, which will produce a tarball that can be consumed by PuppetDB. Because this command is intended only to stop nodes from failing until they have check into PuppetDB, it will only include exported resources, excluding edges and facts.

NOTE: in order for this to work properly, you need to make sure you’ve run this command and generated the export tarball prior to configuring your master for PuppetDB.

Once you’ve run this command and generated an export tarball, you should follow the instructions below to import the tarball into your PuppetDB database.

Exporting data from an existing PuppetDB database

If you’ve been trying out PuppetDB using the embedded database and are ready to move to a production environment backed by PostgreSQL, or if you’d simply like to move your data from one PostgreSQL database to another one, you can use the puppetdb-export command (which is available in your /usr/sbin directory for versions of PuppetDB >= 1.2). All you’ll need to do is run a command like this:

$ sudo puppetdb-export --outfile ./my-puppetdb-export.tar.gz

This command is intended to be run on the PuppetDB server, and assumes that PuppetDB is accepting plain-text HTTP connections on localhost port 8080 (which is PuppetDB’s default configuration). If you’ve modified your PuppetDB HTTP configuration, you can specify a different hostname and port on the command line. For more info, run:

$ sudo puppetdb-export --help

The generated tarball will contain a backup of all of your current catalog data (including exported resources). At this time, this tool is only intended to aid in migrations while preventing any nodes from failing due to missing exported resources, so the export file does not include fact or report data.

Exporting data from a version of PuppetDB prior to 1.2

The puppetdb-export and puppetdb-import tools were added to PuppetDB in version 1.2. If you need to export data from an older version of PuppetDB, the easiest way to do so is to upgrade your existing PuppetDB to at least version 1.2 and then use the puppetdb-export tool.

Importing data to a new PuppetDB database

Once you have an export tarball and a new PuppetDB server up and running that you would like to import your data into, use the puppetdb-import command to do so. (This command is available in your /usr/sbin directory in versions of PuppetDB >= 1.2.) The syntax will look something like this:

$ sudo puppetdb-import --infile ./my-puppetdb-export.tar.gz

This command is intended to be run on the new PuppetDB server, and assumes that PuppetDB is accepting plain-text HTTP connections on localhost port 8080 (which is PuppetDB’s default configuration). If you’ve modified your PuppetDB HTTP configuration, you can specify a different hostname and port on the command line. For more info, run:

$ sudo puppetdb-import --help

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